Sunday 20 August 2023

truth or consequence

Truth or consequences...

20aug23 0v26 continuously updating

Here's a radical idea for the "post truth" age, where the manipulation of everything by artificial intelligence has obliterated the distinction between reality and imagination.

We need to update the Spanish Inquisition to establish a modern interpretation of Truth or Consequences.  The religion demanding unquestioning obedience has evolved beyond Catholicism, and is now the cult of climate change.

* (Plus the UK's highly fallible NHS... follow the shocking story of the whistle blowing "de-frocked" surgeon @peter_duffey )

We are currently wasting time, effort, money and angst as the wheels are being slowly prised off the various fraud and conspiracy bandwagons - so let's untangle the global web of lies and deceit. And do it FAST in the name of freedom of (unspun) information.

The conspiracy industry is not getting to the uncontested truth and resolving anything, so do we need to get serious with polygraphs, sodium Pentothal, thumb screws and tooth extraction tools -  in other words the old "proven methods" to get to the truth as fast as possible?

It is obvious we have recently been sold many bills of goods by politicians and big medical interests, and just about everyone else who has been making obscene money from the current omnishambles of this round of "disaster scare capitalism". And how many are making money from feeding off the misfortune of the Ukraine?

It will be interesting to get suggestions for the questions to ask - many of which will probably come from insider whistle-blowers. Get those proton email accounts ready; intercepted "secure private messaging" is probably the quickest way to send a warning message to the Illuminati that the people are coming for them.

Those with questions to answer have now cost the world many trillions in psyops and misdirection - so up first are the Bidens, Zelensky, Putin, Fauci, Schwab, Sunak, Johnson, Trudeau, Arden, Sturgeon, Von der Leyden, all the other WEF aligned "leaders".

And we will use their own favourite riposte when they protest about having the truth extracted : "well then, what have you got to hide...?"

Hide this... compliance with the "approved narratives" can be rewarding. 

Not forgetting our own Jonathan Van-Tam is now clocking on at Moderna. Oh Dear.

Mainstream media manipulators have big questions to answer. It's time to get answers from the BBC, CNN, Fox, and other manufacturers of propaganda. The individual civil servants at media regulators such as Ofcom are traditionally allowed to hide in the shadows whilst contriving the most influential and controversial policies that shape what we are "allowed to be told" "and what journalists are allowed to convey".  Ever since Enoch Powell arguably inadvertently triggered modern cancellation culture, there is great uneasiness that populists with the "wrong messages" can rabble rouse and send mobs waving pitchforks and flaming torches to the gated communities in which the elite enclaves have hidden themselves. And after Greenpeace zealots "lit up" the PM's gaff, the chances are that public figure security will double down - for the good of us all, of course.

To what extent does Ofcom operate under strict political direction - or are they able to make policy on key matters of subjectivity, such as "content bias"?  Is Ofcom subject to the hive mind of the civil service - which has progressively and demonstrably lost objectivity as the scope for media manipulation becomes ever more influential?

The "cult of woke", as practised by the self-absorbed unelected intellectual elites that have shaped education and the legal professions (especially) since Blair's  1997 regime politicized most public service, even to the extent that one Scottish police car in 2001 wore a "vote labour" sticker. Generally the fog of woke provides a cloak of invisibility that deprecates populism, and consistently seeks to suppress populists who represent the views of what "Whitehall elites" regard as the great unwashed.

Conspiracies in plain sight...

Former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov's gave an interview in 1984 that was a seminal warning on how the West would be subverted from within - without a shot needing to be fired, using a process of social engineering with carefully constructed "narratives", in the form of carefully engineered propaganda created for and by the "elites" that is intended to close down all those with potentially awkward populist appeal. Remember - the most effective propaganda is 99% truth and 1% carefully implanted misdirection ... 25 years of the internet has shrunk attention spans and made the public susceptible to the basic psyops techniques needed to bend reality.

Suspicion of manipulative malpractice has long since moved beyond Whitehall to include the World Economic Forum and its many acolytes, especially founder Klaus Schwab.  WEF has become a focus of hate amongst populists for the reason that the WEF has shown time and again by the action of its disciples like the Canadian and Dutch Governments, that it hates empowering the people. There are many unloved politicians associated with its aims and objectives, and there is a networking organisation for public administrators known as Common Purpose that has that is closely aligned with WEF objectives, and has drawn sharp criticism from Epose  News with a less severe view from the BBC where many CP "alumni"are to be found. The BBC explored common purpose  in 2009 but let it off lightly, possibly because many BBC staff are alumni! But one of its longest term and most voluble critics is Brian Gerrish of the UK Column - an alternative citizen journalism project that has been doing its best to walk the lines between conspiracies since 2006.

The fact that the WEF is based in Switzerland, famous for secretive banking, money laundering, and colourful stories of Nazi gold, is entirely coincidental.

However, "populism" apparently now includes the idea that British taxpayers should be consulted about major decisions that shape the demography and future of their nation. Heaven forfend!

Beyond the politicians and their appointed servants, the extensive supporting cast includes the Bilderbergers, big pharma bosses, WHO, social media and tech bosses that have been gaslighting everyone for years and colluding with governments. Not forgetting the general "lurkers" we would all like to question, including Blair, Gates, and those funding eco-terrorism with agendas in the new energy industries.

All this "truthing" clearly raises many awkward questions of national and international security. Who decides what to "redact" and why? Should we be told if extra-terrestrial (aliens, time travel) influence is present on the planet? With all the implications for  disturbance of established religions.

So far the inquisition list has not directly included the legal "profession" - which has traditionally managed to manoeuvre itself into positions of immunity.  It was not by chance that Shakespeare wrote "The first we do, let's kill all the lawyers" ( Henry VI, part 2, act IV, scene 2).

Lawyers are basically actors that are paid to "reimagine versions of the truth".  A perceptive joke amongst lawyers concerns a lecture cruise fronted by Tony Blair for a hundred lawyers.

One of the passengers leans too far over the rail and falls in to shark infested waters. Tony Blair sees this and jumps in immediately after.  To the amazement of onlookers, all the sharks keep their distance, while Tony and the clumsy passenger are pulled clear with a rope.

"What just happened..?" asks a bemused onlooker.   "Professional etiquette. Tony saw him first .."

Not clear  how to tackle Russia and China, but we can flush their sympathisers embedded in western politics, media and governments, and ask them probing questions...

It's also an excellent opportunity for those who believe they are being persecuted - notably Donald Trump - to step up and volunteer to be first and prove innocence. Polygraph and pentathol should be sufficient for openers. We'll reserve the physical persuasion techniques for later.

Obviously there will be much wailing: "What about our human rights?"

PRECISELY... the people who have been paying for this perfidious pantomime of the pompous over the years are long overdue their right to be told just what has been going on, and end the wasteful speculation.

This is the people's mission...

"You and your cabal will tell us the truth, and we will be happy, Klaus ..."

Imagine the value of the live TV rights? They could pay to convert South Georgia into a penal colony to keep the penguins company....


South Georgia Island: Photos that Will Make You Want to Visit!
- Anna Everywhere

And once we get to the truth at the bottom of controversies such as the efficacy of mask wearing in the prevention of virus transmission, we may need bigger padded cells for all those who have been rendered mentally incapable by our failure to root out and prosecute all those promoting the disaster scare industry, that is helping WEF acolytes psyops get a stranglehold on energy, travel and food. 

Central Bank digital currencies must be resisted at all costs if you don't want your existence and ability to function to be dependent on the commissars' whims. Maybe bring back the Gold Standard... 🤔

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