Friday 11 August 2023

Financial Fairy Land

Financial Fairy Land - largely citing the YT content of Manec 64 

** Ponder this: The current US deficit is $228 billion for the month of June 2023. This is a $139 billion increase from the deficit of $89 billion that was recorded in June 2022. The deficit for the fiscal year 2023 is projected to be $1.5 trillion.V0.4

the best daily commentary for those who want a dose of refreshing reality, with alternative takes to the "narratives" put out by governments and controlled medi - and of course, the usual suspects of discredited banking institutions. Playback x1.5 with no loss of info.  Note that Mario is not a fan of crypto ponzi scheme. He is a fan of "real money" - silver and gold bullion.

Update 11aug23 v0.6

"Today we will look at why a 2% CPI is a tool of Central Bankers and politicians to extract wealth from the general public for those at the top.

In a fiat currency regime wealth inequality always increases as those at the bottom of the economic ladder have no way against protecting their financial well-being against inflation.

In this report, I will show you how the inflation of the last 30 years plus has led to wealth disparity between the 0.01% and the bottom 50%.

I will also give you my view on how inflation or currency debasement can be stopped.

Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989: we will look at why a 2% CPI is a tool of Central Bankers and politicians to extract wealth from the general public for those at the top.

In a fiat currency regime wealth inequality always increases as those at the bottom of the economic ladder have no way against protecting their financial well-being against inflation.

In this report, I will show you how the inflation of the last 30 years plus has led to wealth disparity between the 0.01% and the bottom 50%.

I will also give you my view on how inflation or currency debasement can be stopped.

Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989:

Update 28july23 v0.5

" Today we will revisit Japan and the yen one more time as the Bank of Japan struggles to keep the House of Cards from collapsing. We have seen that in the last 24 hours financial markets around the world experienced a bout of volatility as the Japanese Central Bank met to announce its new monetary policy stance. The debt problem is not just a Japanese problem but also a worldwide one and Japan is central to keeping this debt Ponzi system going." 

Here's an occasional fundamentals backgrounder from 14jul23 that you should absorb..

Mario speaks with Francis Hunt a.k.a The Market Sniper. We looked into the US and UK economies, the bond market, and much more. Francis thinks that the whole system is in peril as bond or debt markets continue to trade south as interest rates move a lot higher than most think. His conclusion is that having tangible assets like gold and silver outside the system will help investors weather the coming financial storm.  The familiar point that inflation is the only way for our immoral governments to write down debt is made once again... which is funded from devaluing all cash savings. Not a good thing...


Update 26july23 v0.5

And today Robin Monotti laid his claim to be part of the financial awakening wih this excelent tweet, text repeated below.There are many excellent comments on teh twitter thread that are worth reading.

"...What we are experiencing at this time is a gigantic act of desperation, probably the biggest that has ever occurred in the whole history of mankind.

"The cause of this act of desperation, is that the system to which the digital-financial system owes its existence, can no longer be kept alive with the previous business model. It was very close to its demise already during the world financial crisis of 2007-8. If governments back then had not mobilized huge amounts of tax money and the central banks instructed oodles of money to be created out of nothing the system would have collapsed there and then.

But salvation was only temporary.

The amounts of money had to be continuously increased over a period of 12 years and the interest rates had to be reduced several times. So, the system was made ever more unstable. In the long term that could not go well. And last year it was to the point that the next collapse was threatening. And this collapse has been postponed through a final feat of strength namely the reduction of interest rates to zero and the injection of billions and billions for one final time.

With that however, a qualitatively new situation has come about. A further deferral would require interest rates to be dropped into the minus range, and this would destroy the foundation of the current banking system. Banks cannot operate long-term with negative interest rates. This means that a further deferral with the previously used approach will not be possible. In the present situation one can inject billions and billions into the system at maximum one more time. However, with the result that the already strongly growing rate of inflation will further overhead and will be driven into hyperinflation.

The situation in which the digital-financial complex finds itself is between the alternatives of, on one side the final collapse and hyper-inflation on the other side. So, the total loss of value of money. That means, historically we’ve arrived at a point in which the digital-financial complex, in the framework of the existing system, only still has the choice between two various forms of collapse.

So, what can they do?

Quite clearly, they have, in this situation, chosen to install a new system and a double strategy. On one side, in the background and away from public view, they are preparing a new system. And on the other side, they are using the end phase of the present dying system, to plunder it using all tricks at their disposal. This is exactly what we’ve seen since March 2020. The quite deliberate and premeditated destruction of the world economy, for the exclusive expansion of the digital-financial complex, with simultaneous preparation via the central banks of a new system and in collaboration with the IT corporations. And we already know how this system will look. It is about the complete removal of cash and banks in their previous form, and the introduction of digital money from central banks. The end goal as it appears, is that we will all have just a single account through which all transactions run. And this account will not reside in a business or high-street bank but with the central bank.

The background to this plan is the following: Digital central bank money is programmable, and because central banks can create unlimited money out of nothing, one can indeed operate in this way with negative interest rates without having to destroy the system. But that is furthermore, not the only feature of digital central bank money. It will allow governments to watch over all transactions made.

To assign us various tax rates and impose upon us individual fines. Governments can also place an expiry limit on a part of our money and require that we spend certain amounts within certain time periods. But it can also require the money to be used for specific purposes, and require that specific amounts be paid only for certain products, or that they be sourced only from certain regions. Above all, government will be in the position to cancel our ability to make all transactions with a single mouse click, and so, shut us down financially. Digital central bank money would be the most efficient tax collection method for society that has ever occurred in the whole history of man, and with that, nothing more and nothing less than the realization of an all-encompassing dictatorship brought about through money.

However, the whole thing has a huge snag. Namely, the expected resistance from the public. One can be very certain that a large proportion of people won’t accept this form of disenfranchisement. So, the introduction of digital central bank money would be expected to produce huge social unrest. And it is exactly this problem that the digital-financial complex has quite obviously thought about, to reverse the process of introducing this (digital) currency. So, they won’t try to make this switch to digital currency gradually, but and thereby risking huge resistance will do it exactly the other way around. They will drive society into chaos, in order to present the introduction of digital central bank money as the solution to all problems. Namely, in the form of a Universal Basic Income (UBI)."

August 2021 presentation given by Ernst Wolff.

Focus on Gold...

10Jul23 from YT Maneco64


Today we will look at the news that Central Banks around the world are and plan to continue repatriating their gold from institutions like the Bank of England and the New York Fed. In this report, I will go over why this move towards repatriation could basically end the LBMA/Comex price suppression scheme and what that would mean for the price of gold. Central banks move gold back home after freeze on Russian assets (FT Article):

V0.3 10Jul23

Today we will look at why, in [Mario's] opinion, QE (quantitative easing) or money printing, has been an utter failure.

Unfortunately, humans never seem to learn from the mistakes of the past and the same applies to our Central Bankers and politicians. The economic malaise we are now experiencing is payback for the madness of Central Bankers and one in particular called Ben Bernanke.

My conclusion is that centuries from now historians will remember Ben Bernanke as the 21st Century version of John Law.  Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here by Ben Bernanke:

V0.3 09Jul23
More news of our Mickey Mouse money...

"Today we will have Clive Thompson on and we will be covering many topics but the focus will be on the announcement that the BRICS will be announcing a gold-backed trade settlement mechanism. What kind of system could be ushered in eventually is up for debate. Could it be backing national currencies with a certain weight of gold or having a BRICS gold-backed currency pegged to national currencies at a fixed rate?"

V  0.2 30Jun23
"Currency Collapse All But Certain As Societal Madness Intensifies...."

Mario Innecco continues to focus on observations of the UK and US financial scene with his engaging style of bemusement, as markets continue to defy logic and gravity.

"Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Rafi Farber of @endgameinvestor about what is going on not only in the economy and markets but also in overall society. I have spoken about the symptoms of hyperinflation or the crack-up boom many times before, and today I wanted to have Rafi's take on where we are in terms of this process. The conclusion, according to Rafi, is that currency collapse is not just an economic phenomenon but also a psychological event in which bad money drives people and society mad."

V  0.1 29Jun23 - focus on Gold

This blog has avoided getting caught up in economics thus far, given that the basis of the UK and world economy has been obviously unsustainable for the past 30 years from the time of the 2008 crash when fairyland lending practises on mortgages in the USA (Bill Clinton buying votes) and the UK with Blair buying "feelgood" votes.

This observer (Mario Innecco) is one of the best daily vloggers covering the headline issues. He believes in "real money" ie gold and silver, and happily plugs away, dismissing governments and banks trying to discourage private ownership. His healthy suspicion of the conventional "city" view that gold is not a good hedge investment seems justified. The banks are clearly terrified that their monopoly of printing money might be undermined before they get to turn the ultimate screw of central bank digital currencies - CBDC.

A simple view is that a CBDC offers all the potential for the ponzi insanity of Bitcoin, coupled to direct control and monitoring by politicians - and total control over all your income and spending.

But is it possible banks and governments are trying to downplay the traditional haven value of gold and silver to allow them to build up reserves so that a CBDC option might be a cryptocurrency with a precious metal reserve value?

Whatever... there is an interesting axiom in the jewellery business that says a gold Rolex watch will get its owner a first class air ticket home from anywhere in the world for a family of 5.

A quick look on the web for previously owned Rolex watches that probably cost the owner £6k 25 years earlier suggests this one is now worth £12k. The gold melt value is about £5k.  This may not outperform the stock market - but if you keep it in a safe place and take care when wearing in public, then when politicians introduce wealth taxes...

Having made the Daytona watch by Rolex famous, Paul Newman’s actual watch sold at auction in October of 2017 for $17.8 million. This price makes it the most expensive Rolex watch ever sold to date.

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