Monday 19 June 2023

The Friends of Science Society question the climate follies

A sensible Canadian professor considers climate realities...

The sheer hysteria displayed by climate activists and the cult of CO2 has long been designed to threaten and intimidate - often in the form of theatrical performances.

Let's have some common sense from Michelle Stirling, communications manager of Friends of Science - and start by positioning the FoSS...

"Friends of Science Society is concerned at the shift in recent years away from air and water pollution as valid and important environmental issues, to a societal and policy focus almost exclusively on climate change and a singular focus on "carbon dioxide" as the driver and cause. 

This current obsession is misguided in that climate fluctuations are mostly driven by natural phenomena like solar cycles and influences, ocean cycles, and naturally changing atmospheric oscillations. Humans contribute to climate change, mostly regionally, through land use, Urban Heat Island, water diversion and industrial activity.  

Throughout time, human adaptation and innovation to changing climate patterns has been fundamental to our survival.  Adaptation should be emphasized rather than focusing on misguided attempts at controlling the climate through carbon taxes or low-carbon policies."


common sense has been outlawed...

Criminalization of Climate Science Dissent

Shortly after the recent publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 Synthesis Summary for Policymakers Report, the world took a step closer to climate tyranny. 

The IPCC Synthesis SPM was rushed out in March 2023, before the actual Synthesis Report was even written. There were many terrifying headlines - that we must act on climate "Everything. Everywhere. All at once." Despite this being a slogan from a movie, the fearmongering was supported by a powerful graphic image - a timeline of 'heat' showing that boomers had lived through a comfortable period of warming, while their children and grandchildren would be forced to live in a timeline of bright red boiling heat. 

Within days of the report's release, the UN General Assembly, on the request of the tiny island of Vanuatu, asked the International Court of Justice for an 'opinion' on the legal obligations of climate compliance of countries. This short video was presented at Friends of Science Society's May 2023 Annual General Meeting and is reproduced here for our general viewing audience. 

While the UN and the IPCC are beating the climate catastrophe drum and trying to push for legal compliance and making climate dissent illegal, CLINTEL has done a thorough analysis of the IPCC AR6 reports and finds that the catastrophic claims on climate are not supported by the evidence - not even the evidence within the reports. 

And furthermore, they have written the IPCC Chair, Dr. Hoesung Lee, condemning the IPCC for letting UN Sec. Gen Antonio Guterres and the media get away with making their terrifying "Code Red for Humanity" claims - which are not what the IPCC report says at all. Richard Lindzen said "Control carbon and you control life" - certainly if climate compliance becomes a global law, then you control the whole world. All based on faulty science and movie slogans. How far have we fallen as a modern society? 

Meanwhile, plenty here to ponder that suggests that the science of climate change is not settled

And here's another calm contribution from David Siegel discussing many detailed Peer-Reviewed Papers on Climate Change, including our old friend Milankovitch cycles  


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