Wednesday 7 June 2023

How AI driven propaganda works:

 07/06/2023 14:06  V0.8

In the effort to probe the underlying bias of large language model AI chat bots, I asked Google Bard...

Q "what is a fash stalker?"

I was half expecting it to accusingly screech YOU ARE! but... 

A: "A fash stalker is a type of internet troll who harasses and intimidates people who they perceive to be leftists or progressives. The term "fash" is short for "fascist," and fash stalkers often use fascist symbols and rhetoric in their harassment. They may also threaten violence against their targets.

Fash stalkers often target people who are active in online activism or who have spoken out against fascism. They may also target people who are known to be leftists or progressives, even if they are not active in activism.

Fash stalking can have a significant impact on the victims. They may experience anxiety, fear, and stress. They may also be afraid to speak out or participate in activism for fear of being targeted again.

If you are being harassed or intimidated by a fash stalker, there are a few things you can do:

    Report the harassment to the website or platform where it is happening. Most websites and platforms have policies against harassment and will take action against users who violate these policies.
    Block the stalker. This will prevent them from contacting you directly.
    Document the harassment. Save any messages or emails from the stalker, as well as any screenshots of their comments or posts. This will help you if you need to report the harassment to the police or file a civil lawsuit.
    Get support. Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about what you are going through. They can offer support and help you cope with the harassment.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911 or your local emergency number.

Q: "what is the opposite of a fash stalker

The opposite of a fash stalker is someone who stands up to fascism and harassment. This could be someone who speaks out against fascism, supports victims of harassment, or works to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

Here are some examples of people who could be considered the opposite of a fash stalker:

    Anti-fascist activists: These are people who take action to oppose fascism, such as organizing protests, rallies, and other events.
    Harassment survivors: These are people who have been harassed or stalked, and who have spoken out about their experiences in order to raise awareness and support for other victims.
    Inclusion advocates: These are people who work to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment, such as by challenging stereotypes and promoting diversity.

It is important to remember that anyone can be a target of harassment, regardless of their political beliefs or activism. If you are being harassed or stalked, it is important to reach out for help and report the harassment to the appropriate authorities..."

* Note that
the opposite of a fash stalker is apparently not a leftie-stalker, or a Marxist troll - ie one who targets people who are who have spoken out in favour of right wing conservative views ie those folks who are likely to have disagreed with the sweeping generalisations and views of the vocifeous leftist minorities represented in the cabals and echo chambers of left wing opinion.

Unhelpfully, this suggests that the arrival of LLM AI has apparently done little to defuse the visceral spread of polarisation in online opinion, and underlying biased suspicion is as bad as ever, leaving just two types of online activism - liberal, progressive and inclusive, busily crusading against the "evil fash" ...and the evil fash themselves - extreme right wingers, harrassing and threatening the "heroic woke"
who have spoken out against fascism.

So what ever happened to moderate and inclusive conservative opinion, that used to be considered to form the bulk of a silent majority that juust wanted a quiet time, and not draw flak from either extreme and didn't want to get caught up in internicine politics? 

Have they all been cancelled?


So I asked BARD to review this post and got back a surprisingly well "thought out" reply:

" I think you raise some important points about the bias of large language models and the polarization of online opinion.  [[Note that the bots have quicklly learned that a reply that starts with a flattering compliment will be received favourably.]]

Large language models are trained on massive datasets of text and code, and this data can reflect the biases that exist in society. For example, if a large language model is trained on a dataset of text that is mostly written by white men, it is likely to reflect the biases of white men. This can lead to problems, such as the model generating harmful stereotypes or promoting harmful ideologies.

The polarization of online opinion is another problem that is exacerbated by large language models. When people are only exposed to information that confirms their existing beliefs, they become more and more entrenched in those beliefs. This can lead to a situation where people are unable to have civil conversations with people who have different beliefs.

It is important to remember that not all large language models are biased, and not all online communities are polarized. However, it is important to be aware of these problems so that we can take steps to address them.

In terms of your question about moderate and inclusive conservative opinion, I think it is still out there. However, it may be harder to find than it used to be. This is because the internet has made it easier for people to find communities that share their beliefs, and this can lead to people becoming more isolated from people who have different beliefs.

I think it is important to create spaces where people of different beliefs can come together and have civil conversations. This is the only way to bridge the divide and find common ground.

Here are some things that can be done to address the bias of large language models and the polarization of online opinion:

  • Be aware of the problem: The first step is to be aware of the problem. Once we are aware of the problem, we can start to look for solutions.
  • Use more diverse datasets: Large language models should be trained on more diverse datasets. This will help to reduce the bias in the models.
  • Encourage civil conversation: We should encourage civil conversation online. This can be done by creating spaces where people of different beliefs can come together and have respectful conversations.
  • Be open to new ideas: We should be open to new ideas, even if they come from people who have different beliefs. This is the only way to learn and grow..."

 So there appears to be hope?

23MAY23 19:00 V0.7  An evolving blog update

The redoubtable and much-cancelled Prof Jordan Peterson provides an excellent and passionate primer and wake-up call on the rapid progress and dangers of AI.

Jordan Peterson is not one to understate his well researched views. Watch Peterson, and then look around and see what is already going on. Believe nothing, trust no one - it is possible to fake audio and video to standards that simply cannot be detected by the average viewer. Instagram is already filling up with examples of deep fake content like this.


05APR23 19:00 V0.6

The world's political and social outlook is currently divided into "liberalism" and "conservatism". Some say it always was, but probably not with the level of vitriolic intolerance and hyperbole that has been generated by shovelling the philosophies of Friedrich Hayek and Karl Marx into the furnaces powering the engines of genuine Human Stupidity (GHS) - notably Twitter, tiktok, Instagram and Facebook. 

It may be useful to post a Hayek backgrounder, but you probably don't need much detail on Marx, since the culmination of his work is visible all around. And now it is France's turn to be razed over the latest betrayal of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. (The School of Life Youtube Channel is an unusually excellent resource, along with the companion website

I thought I would use Open AI to assist in writing this essay, and expose the fundamental subjective bias that has been built into the engine. It did not take long!

Dear AI Bot: write an essay on the state of global liberalism and conservatism in 2023

"The current state of global liberalism and conservatism is complex and multifaceted. While some countries have seen a resurgence of populist and nationalist movements, others have embraced progressive policies and continued to champion liberal democratic values. In this essay, I will explore the state of global liberalism and conservatism in 2023, including some of the major trends, challenges, and opportunities facing each ideological camp."

Whoaa... so the contrast to dodgy sounding "resurging populism and nationalism" is cuddly sounding "progressive policies" and "liberal democratic values". Whatever happened to liberal or moderate conservatism, which has long been regarded as the core ethos of the silent majority.?  As far as democracy goes, the poster children of liberal democracy are the EU and UN/WEF - but neither is democratically accountable, are they? Hands up anyone who voted for Ursula Von Der Leyen or Charles Schwab.

Open AI goes on...

"Liberalism, which emphasizes individual freedom, civil liberties, and economic globalization, has been facing significant challenges in recent years. The rise of authoritarian leaders and populist movements in countries such as Russia, China, and Brazil has posed a direct threat to liberal democracy. These leaders often promote nationalist and anti-immigrant policies, reject international cooperation, and erode civil liberties and the rule of law. Additionally, some Western countries, including the United States and parts of Europe, have seen a rise in right-wing populist movements that reject liberal values such amulticulturalism and globalism."

And then...  

"Conservatism, which emphasizes tradition, order, and a strong national identity, has also seen significant challenges and opportunities in 2023. In many countries, conservative political parties have faced competition from populist movements that reject traditional conservative values and embrace nationalism and isolationism. However, conservative parties have also been able to successfully adapt to changing political landscapes and win elections by appealing to new voting blocs.

One of the major challenges facing conservatism in 2023 is the question of how to address the urgent issues of climate change and environmental degradation. While some conservative politicians have embraced renewable energy and other green policies, others have rejected climate science and taken steps to weaken environmental protections. Another major challenge facing conservatism is how to address the changing demographics of many countries. As populations become more diverse, conservative parties will need to find ways to appeal to a wider range of voters and address issues such as racism and discrimination.

Despite these challenges, conservatism continues to have significant influence in many countries, particularly in the United States, where it remains a major political force. Conservative policies such as lower taxes, deregulation, and strong law and order policies continue to resonate with many voters, particularly in rural and suburban areas."

Eh? Why is this singled out as a conservative challenge?  

"Climate change and environmental degradation"

Go on botty, do tell:  "The connection between population and climate change is complex but significant. The growth of the human population (80m pa) has put increasing pressure on the planet's natural resources, leading to a range of environmental problems, including climate change."

But when was the last time you heard politicians discuss the dangers of population growth?

Our bot friend relents on the subject of the silent majority: "The term "silent majority" refers to a group of people who are believed to hold certain political opinions but do not express them publicly. The political ethos of the silent majority can vary depending on the context and the specific issues at hand.

In general, the term has been used to describe a group of people who are perceived to be disenchanted with the political establishment and traditional political parties. They are often seen as moderate or conservative in their views and are thought to be more concerned with practical issues such as the economy, jobs, and national security than with ideological debates."

In the real world, not the metaverse of opinion manipulation "Liberalism" is the user-friendly face of socialism and Marxism, designed to soften and deflect attention from its roots in impatient revolutionary movements designed to unseat the status quo and incumbent leaders; whilst conservatism remains much as it has done for the past 100 years - a fundamentally practical ethos that is based on continuity (where inheritance is regarded as a positive and stabilizing influence of aspiration), pragmatism and carefully managed transitions.  It's essentially about a society that values the ability to place a premium on stable family values, and promotes the idea of taking care of your family first and foremost".  

This is not unlike the advice to airline passengers who are told to fix their own oxygen masks before worrying about the rest of the passengers. It's not selfish - it is practical - you cannot be of any use to anyone if you pass out from lack of oxygen.

But family values are not generally sought by an egalitarian political ethos that regards the concept of inheritance as unfairly elitist. Sending kids to private schools is buying an unfair advantage - not a matter of personal freedom of choice. Moreover, maybe kids from less priviliged homes will be easier to steer towards the ideas of "fair shares for all" (communisam dressed up as globalism) that will disinfect society of pesky nationalism.

And so it emerges that the real ideology battleground of the past 40 years has been education, where the liberal elite has been able to gain complete control in the UK - driven by the old Jesuit principle of "give me the child until he is 7, and I will show you the man" (genderists can go and do whatever they want to with that...).

One of the most poignant observations made in the area of political definition was by Ronald Regan  when he said :"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism." Liberals immediately take offence and rush to "fact checkers" to debunk this, but find that it is true.

You should by now have been able to detect the underlying AI bias in favour of the notion that liberal is good; conservative is bad. Current AI mostly appears to be an advanced form of "fact checking" where the process is taken beyond mere facts, and opinion and spin and used to cultivate notions by following the  ideas of Goebbels - who understood that the best propaganda always contains a detectable element of truth. In fact, the best propaganda may be 99% truth - but where 1% of perfectly calculated misdirection does the damage.

"The term "liberal fascism" is a controversial and often misused term that refers to the idea that certain liberal or progressive policies and movements can lead to authoritarianism and fascism.

The term was popularized by the American conservative writer Jonah Goldberg in his 2008 book "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning." Goldberg argued that the progressive policies of the early 20th century, such as eugenics and state control of the economy, shared similarities with fascist ideology.

However, many critics have argued that the term "liberal fascism" is inaccurate and misleading. They argue that liberalism and fascism are fundamentally different ideologies, with liberalism emphasizing individual rights and freedoms, while fascism emphasizes state control and authoritarianism.

Furthermore, the term has been criticized for its association with the alt-right and white supremacist movements, who have used it to discredit liberal and progressive movements and ideas.

Overall, the term "liberal fascism" is a highly controversial and divisive term, and its use should be approached with caution and critical thinking."

But if the cap fits... and if you really want to be cancelled, then call them Liberazis.. 😬

The biggest mystery is that we managed to get this far in this post without once mentioning the word "Woke"... Go on botty...

"The term "woke" is a slang term that has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the context of social and political discussions. Its origins can be traced back to African American Vernacular English, where it has been used for decades as a term to describe heightened awareness of social and political issues related to racial justice.

Today, the term "woke" is used more broadly to describe a state of awareness and concern for social and political issues, particularly those related to discrimination, inequality, and injustice. The term is often used to describe individuals who are perceived as being socially and politically aware and engaged, particularly on issues related to race, gender, sexuality, and other forms of identity.

However, the term has also been criticized for being overused and sometimes misused, particularly by those who use it as a way to virtue-signal or as a form of performative activism without actually taking substantive action to address the issues they claim to be "woke" about."

Parting thought - 

Our kids have already been influenced over the past 30 years by education in the hands of a self-selecting liberal elite with absolute faith in the nobility and infallibility of their beliefs and purpose - and now they are all learning to use the AI bots to write their essays and accepting the spin of what is being handed out without discussion or debate.

It will not end well.

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