Thursday 21 July 2022

Conspiracy theories are nothing new ... WEF in plain sight again

WORK IN PROGRESS updated 0v2 July 22nd 2022 - this will be continuously updated and links added . When I am happy I have reached basecamp, I will declare version 1.0  Until then it may remain a "bit random"... I will be using external links in the way Tim Berners Lee intended at the start of the web, but that has now become much less popular with site creators who want to cling jealously to their visitors, and do not risk sending them away down a "competitive" rabbit hole. 

The WEF and its coteries of oligarchs and alumni like Trudeau and Macron (improbable political nonentities who have been mysteriously plucked from well-earned obscurity and carefully placed into positions of undeserved political influence in governments around the world) warns us to prepare for a great reset, where everything changes. The famous 2016 advice from Danish MP Ida Auken - a WEF advocate was...  "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better..." (here's a deleted WEF tweet)

As it happens, the world is again in a right old pickle in June 2022.

Over the years, there have been some spectacular conspiracy theories. Starting with the idea that an all-powerful being that we could not see or hear directly was in charge of everything, and calling all the shots though a delegated form of authority called a "church". And since that time, the effort placed in accumulating the resources and general wherewithal to maintain the myth has been the justification for acts of untold violence, ranging from individual torture to invasion and warfare.

And then there was David Icke... 

David Icke is a fascinating character who was a TV sports report who then became infamous in the 90s for some pretty far-out conspiracy theories involving lizard people and the illuminati. It is generally accepted by Icke that he was off with the fairies for a while; although many others have been catching up with his moderating ideas recently. His recent work has been less extreme, but he is still regarded with suspicion - this 24 year old piece is unnervingly prescient and is getting him noticed again. He now has a very successful following (I hesitate to use the word "disciples")

Inconvenient truths from 1998?


It might explain why "some people" would prefer he was not heard or seen. His recent work on midazolam raises questions that genuinely require that Icke is heard and either declared insane - or recognized as a serious journalist. There isn't a lot of ground between. Keep an open mind.

Now here's another messianic performance from Russel Brand - who covers much the same territory of pervasive surveillance abuse by government and big tech; but with a rather different manner of delivery. Brand points out that conspiracy theories tend to mutate and re-emerge to prove that fact-checkers have manipulated information, leading to the cancellation of users who were intent on the pursuit of inconvenient truth.

 The venerable and sober Spectator is onto the surveillance and social credit. The video intro is a full fat Speccie feature in its own right....

"China's social credit system is notorious. This Black Mirror-esque network supposedly gives citizens a score, based on an opaque algorithm that feeds on data from each person's digital and physical lives. With one billion Chinese accessing the Internet and the growing prevalence of facial recognition, it means that their every move can be monitored – from whether they cross the road dangerously, to whether they play too many video games and buy too much junk food. Those with low scores have lower socio-economic status, and may not be able to board planes and trains, or send their children to school. It's all part of a Chinese Communist Party directive to further control and mould its citizens..."


The Great Agricultural reset and other things... 

And now this... from the unstoppable Russell Brand - Renowned environmental activist and author, Vandana Shiva, joined me at our first ever live community event in Hay-On-Wye. We spoke about how the mainstream media have framed the Dutch Farmer protests, the hidden land grab agenda and how data is not the highest evidence for living, a good healthy body is!

Many of the dots are joined up.  And Vandana awkwardly remind the brits that they invented modern globalisation with Queen Vic and the Empire.





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