Sunday 15 October 2023

Sanity Czech

DRAFT edit v0.1

This is translation from a Czech  website of a feature by Petr Robejšek, send to me by an old friend who is an expat Czech living in Australia, who shares the general sense of gloom and despair felt by many of those of us who have lived through the period since world War two and seen a prosperous world, free from totalitarian Nazis and communists. But now gradually turned back into a dystopian nightmare by the entitled generations that have experienced no real hardships, but have fallen hook line and sinker for the classic cultural subversion tactic that was set out in the famous Yuri Bezmenov 1984 briefings.
See the original at...

Is Europe in decline?

More than thirty years ago, the West celebrated a triumphant victory over communism, but today the vast majority of European countries have only a second hand democracy, a moribund economy, problematic security and an Americanized culture.

Comfortable decades and their consequences

Nevertheless, it would be inaccurate to talk about the decline of European civilization, because these are all the consequences of the long-term degeneration of the political caste.

From the end of World War 2 until about the 1970s, the Western world was fine. At the time, most countries had relatively sound economies in a functional economic and political model. 

And favourable global conditions have ensured prosperity growth largely independently of the quality of political leaders and their decisions. Until the end of the last century, the vast majority of European countries ruled so easily that elites lost the skills necessary to handle even less favorable situations. That is why the number of self-centered speakers grew, climbing into high politics and creating there, across the borders of the parties and the ideology of the coalition of interest with anyone. Top politicians defended the rise of those who could endanger them, and so the quality of the political caste continued to deteriorate.

Then there was a break. The Internet fever of 1996-2001 did not bode well, and the financial crisis of 2008 definitively ended the era of a prosperous economy and global security stability. It suddenly turned out that comfortable governance was only possible on debt, that social inequality is escalating in Europe and that migratory pressure from the South threatens the continent. And that wasn't all.

In an unfavorable situation, two basic strategic mistakes of the ruling elite were fully reflected. On the one hand, rulers have systematically favored the economy to the detriment of other social areas, such as social security, culture, security and science. The whole of Western society has become the service sector for the economy. The logical consequence was the second fundamental error of the elites. Governments have stopped caring for the interests of the majority of the population and have served mainly the needs of business circles. An American study by Martin Gillens and a German one by Armin Schäfer, showed that the political interests of the middle class and the poorer classes play virtually no role in both countries. Both researches concluded that the more important the political goals for these population groups are, the less likely the political caste is to carry them out. That was the beginning of the end of representative democracy.

In the first decade of the new millennium, demands for the quality of governance increased sharply, but second-rate political staff could not meet them. The result has been and still is a continuous chain of crises, failures and halves. In the grip between the growing influence of multinational companies and the effort to maintain power, governments have increasingly begun to pursue conflicting goals, such as sustainable economic growth and current labor savings and increasing sales. European integration or migration policy has also become a synonym for confusion and contradiction. The preliminary peak of curious political plans is the so-called green deal.

The contradictory and de facto inefficiency of its goals is trying to bridge the centralization of everything for European elites. In the last two decades, politicians, businessmen, the media and experts have merged into one ruling group, and their vision for the future is centralist. It is striking that almost all post-communist countries have taken over this philosophy of unity at all costs, one on one. Their leader, but not even most citizens at all, thought that before the historic moment of centralization of political and economic power, it had brought Central and Eastern Europe into a state of needy dictatorships.

We can do it

What we are experiencing today is not only the bankruptcy of specific politicians and governments, but unfortunately also the bankruptcy of representative democracy. The new nobility of politicians, businessmen, the media and experts has different interests than the majority of the population. But how is he supposed to represent them when he speaks differently and about completely different things than most voters. The power of elites today cannot rely on convincing arguments and results, and all that remains is manipulation and propaganda.

And the result? We live in an era of empty words when truth is not sought, but only declares when truth depends only on volume and volume only on money. We live in an era when there are neither promises that must be fulfilled, nor knowledge that can be refuted, nor laws that apply to all.

Examples? Politicians and the media are teatrally desperate for the division of opinion of society and themselves contribute to its deepening. Although they are bothered by differences of opinion within a more or less consistent population that European countries had by 2015. But they do not mind the programmed deep opinion split between Europeans and members of the African or Asian civilization circle. Simply put, no matter how much the Germans, the French or the Czechs disagree about politics or anything else, they still do not go with knives. This signals a truly alarming opinion, but above all the civilizational rift that governments want to import to the continent.
And while German swimming pools are dominated by oriental machismo and the situation in France sometimes resembles a civil war, European governments want „ to stop “ illegal migration by legalizing it. Angela Merkel's legendary air castle hovers over this policy, „ we can handle “.

Another example of manipulative policy is that European society is undermining its own hypersensitivity. Its intellectual and political leaders idealize and romanticize weakness. The world he describes to us is full of victims who are not to blame. They are not responsible for their condition and the majority company is obliged to submit to their needs. In 80 million Germany, there are 3,000 people whom medical science recognizes as transgender. But from the local mainstream, you get the impression that it is at least a third of the population.

We have shown that the rulers have maneuvered into a situation in which they are unable to secure the support of citizens with convincing arguments. And that is why they are not only prone to manipulation, but also to censorship. They cannot change reality according to the values they appropriate, so they change how reality is, must or must not be talked about. They can't handle the real world, so they give people the impression of an unreal world. But even that is no longer enough. Elites can't handle the real world, so I'm realizing my unreal world. How?

Digitization of everything

Especially in the last three years, we have been experiencing a frontal attack on functioning and necessary social institutions in order to undermine the foundations of the stability and performance of the continent. Yes, this is an attempt to subvert European civilization. The world's largest PR agencies are targeted and paramilitary. We have already talked about migration and domination with the naked eye of invisible minorities over most. We can also mention the dramaturgy of panic pandemics, the gender campaign, the systematic breakdown of family structures and, most importantly, climate change.

Media brainwashing, which is strongly reminiscent of communist propaganda, suggests that there is a saving eco-ideology at stake. But at least the Communists promised prosperity, the environmentalists offer only austerities and despotism. The climatic religion and the sacrament of the carbon footprint is a way to morally sanctify and realistically expropriate and politically enslave people. And that is why they blackmail us with supposed hereditary sins against nature. We have to lose weight, supposedly for mother country. But in reality, it is your right to own and your freedom to use your property.

Secondary political and media elites are no longer able to deal democratically with the diversity and free will of the people, and they want to „ solve it by digitizing “ society. The goal is the planability of human behavior and the ability to manage society as a production line

It is no coincidence that the project „ state as a company “ has been haunting Western politics for at least two decades. At the same time, politicians led the hand of the global economic elite, and therefore governments had a dictatorship under this slogan. And over the last three years, Western societies have strongly advocated the tendency to manage not only the economy but everything with the help of modern technologies. The whole society is to turn into a production line and thus become a socio-political version of Taylorism. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, obsessed with the flawless operation of belt production, Frederick Taylor tried to increase labor productivity by using detailed prescribed movements of the worker while operating the production line. In Taylor's conception, the worker is only part of the machine.And today's superelites want to enforce the taylor standardization of the behavior and thinking of all people in all situations and thus make society a machine.

The way to do this is to constantly narrow the space in which one can make one's own decisions, simply because, from the point of view of the elites, every free decision is a disorder that threatens their government. They want to solve „ by digitizing society with their inability to treat differences and the free will of the people democratically.

German philosopher Karl Jaspers as early as 1966 and drew attention to the danger of party despotism; he literally spoke of „ the deadly danger of a party oligarchy. “ The crises of the last two decades have accelerated the realization of his prediction and the representative political model degenerates into a dictatorship. The political and economic model that would have arisen if they had succeeded would have been identical to the social structure of the Middle Ages.

At the top of the pyramid of power should stand a few thousand richest ( in the Middle Ages they were royal families ), then the media and scientists ( then they were priests ) and finally politicians and civil servants ( former court officials and claw officials ). At the very bottom is the mass of subjects.

How to get out of this?

Symptoms of the real decline of the West can be seen in big cities. They live in a high proportion of the educated and well-earning population. These are often people unable to think independently and prone to slavishly accept distorted notions of progress and freedom. These include intellectuals in the islands of socio-scientific departments, a large proportion of media workers, many government officials and politicians, apparatchiks of non-profit organizations, and a bunch of rich snobs looking for an impressive opportunity to untie themselves morally. This atmosphere of cities is inflated by the media and pretended to be the mood of society as a whole.

And that is why it depends so much on when the masses of still silent ordinary people, especially those who live, will put their phlegmaticism off the metropolis and understand that representative democracy has served and will either be replaced by despotism, or direct democracy.

Yes, European civilization is in danger of decline, but it can be averted when there are enough people in the still largely silent mass who will start living their own society. One that is not organized „ from top to bottom “, in which there is no need for political intermediaries who still represent only themselves. It is high time to fragment power and return it to individuals who begin to create a self-help and self-governing society from the bottom. It is high time that those „ down “ determined what they decide for themselves and what they let decide on the upper floor. It is high time to start living a new society.
Petr Robejšek

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