Wednesday 6 September 2023

A way point summary of climate change

 A way point summary of climate change - 06SEP23

Firstly, consider the many ways that the statistics are collected and manipulated. There is no easy way to "normalise" - summed up by this urban heat island graphic. Climate change cultists will tend to choose stats most likely to support their contention, and the middle of a busy airport runway is an old favourite...


This post is an effort to bundle up and summarise a year's worth of accumulated "roll-up" blog posts on the climate debate, now that the controversy around ULEZ reality (ie it's about the money) has flushed out some brave souls willing to recall that it is easy to fool people, but much harder to convince them that they have been fooled: the principle that has served religious indoctrination over millennia. 

Alan Jones on Sky News Australia sums up, and this was first shown on YT 3 years ago when it was heresy likely to get the author sacrificed on the righteous altar of wokeness. 

But there is now a growing number of politicians and people willing to call it out and not be cowed by Marxist manipulation.   There is plenty of evidence that many wildfires have been set by arsonists - and who would bet against the fanatical zealots of the "Climate Cult"  - who have been in "ends justify means" mode for a long time now. 

Plus all those who have made money from various aspects of the cult - from hastily erected wind turbines and solar farms -  to the ending of the ICE vehicle trade, so that it can be replaced by remotely controlled electric vehicles costing upwards of £30k that can drive themselves back to the dealerships if a payment is missed...  never mind the global property speculators eager to put farmers out of business and grab their land.

Not forgetting that fossil fuels are loved by politicians as they are so easily taxed.

Most suspicious climate sceptics do not deny climate change exists (and has done for life-span of the universe), but read the blog linked in my profile and learn that there are many factors other than "carbon" that contribute to the process. 

Some factors are "left field" - the Earth's magnetic north pole has been migrating northward at an average rate of about 10 miles (16 kilometers) per year since the early 19th century. However, in the past 100 years, the rate of migration has accelerated to about 30 miles (48 kilometers) per year.

Did you know the qualitative reason for Sun's 22 year activity cycle has barely been understood for around 15 years - but still cannot be accurately predicted or quantified beyond the 11 year period between sunspot maxima - which is now attributed to the gravitational tidal effects of planetary alignments? 

And those who bet the farm on "anthropogenic climate change" have no solid proof other than a hypothesis based on heavily contested, manipulated and coincidental statistics that they call a "consensus".

So  please do your own research and thinking before buying "the narrative" from those who livelihood depends on trying to persuade (dupe ?) you. I have left plenty of clues and links in my blog posts to provide many rabbit holes to explore.

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