Monday 3 July 2023

A heavy duty debate with Liv Boeree and Daniel Schmachtenberger

03jul23 v0.1

Here's a super-worthy heavy-duty discussion of global catastrophic risks and technology with Liv Boeree and Daniel Schmachtenberger. So please enjoy watching two smart people have a long intelligent chat - and concentrate without diversion. It's a rare thing in 2023. And good practise for you ;-)

This post requires a lot more engagement than my other generally lightweight AI observations. But Liv Boeree is a fascinating girl/lady ... and I happen to know her aunt.  She is unusual - not least because she has won enough money playing poker to now be able to indulge her intellectual curiosity in areas that make use of her academic background - a First Class Honours degree in Physics with Astrophysics at the University of Manchester. Liv is potentially serious competition for Rachel Riley.

This is "a deep dive into the game theory and exponential growth underlying our modern economic system, and how recent advancements in AI are poised to turn up the pressure on that system, and its wider environment, in ways we have never seen before. Not a conversation for the faint-hearted, but crucial nonetheless. Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sense making and dialogue around global catastrophic risks and technology."

And before you ask, look up Moloch.


Now keep going, you're doing great...can you feel your IQ expanding?
Liv Boeree is also a science educator on topics of game theory, physics, complexity, and life.


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