Wednesday 5 April 2023

It's time for a full constitutional reset

05APR23 0v2 in progress

The world went mad, but we are scared to tell those "in charge" to stop, and apply common sense...


All large organizations go out of their way to make direct contact with the public as difficult as possible. Whether it's a phone company or utility - or any sort of officialdom - the last thing they want is to have a record of a communication that could be "subject to further interpretation" by lawyers. The damage that has been done to common sense by litigious lawyers and twitter retribution squads throughout the Western world is incalculable.

The law has long since become grossly over complex and subject to variable and subjective "weaponized" political interpretations, which has created a situation where a zealous official can always find some technical fault. And this is used to intimidate those who are targeted, nowhere better seen than the road traffic act where drivers faced with an awkward copper know that the law will always be complex enough to enable a zealot to find (or contrive) some fault with their vehicle or driving ...if they dare to argue the toss and challenge.

The accumulation of crap means that the only way to bring common sense back into the process is to start from scratch, much in the way that Turkey did back in the 20s when Atatürk sorted out a thousand years of Byzantine (literally) nonsense and installed a new (secular) constitution built on common sense that normally intelligent people could understand and interpret. Sadly, modern Turkey has reverted to the rule of religious bigotry, but stopping short of sharia brutality.

It is little wonder that the liberal establishment (with the eager collaboration of social media giants and tech that controls the attention and surveillance economy) controlling the labyrinthine legal process, does not want a political leader to emerge with the potential to rally the mob (aka the sort of populism that doesn't suit them) and focus the agenda on sorting out the nonsense - sweeping aside the accumulated detritus of ever more potty "liberal" laws. 
The UK hounded out Boris and the US is after Trump.

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