Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Fault lines in society start with education failures


How as Education has been hijacked..?

Work in progress... upodate 11/7/2022 v0.2

Politically motivated industrial action is another blast from the past, accompanied by rising interest rates, inflation and cold wars. Happy days....

The Boris haters failed in their bids to unseat him over party gate (and the various other human frailties and picadillos that his supporters have tended to "price in" to the BJ package all along). The mob is now onto the next phase of their determination to replace the democratic process and bring down the government by Daily Mirror orchestrated mob rule. The trades unions appear to have given up all hope of the Labour Party mounting an effective opposition with actual policies - and the RMT reverted to the trusty old tactic of bringing the country to its knees through industrial inaction.  Although, the chosen cause of more money for already well-paid railway workers may not work out entirely favourably.

The Great Divide

UK and US society (especially) continues to fracture along the left/right fault lines of globalist cultural Marxism, nurtured, encouraged and fed by seriously scurrilous politicians jumping on nebulous opinion bandwagons like BLM, climate and a curious obsession with gender diaspora.

It all tends to come into focus at the WEF with the crusaders of Klaus Schwab's globalist institutions and oligarchs are eating through the big institutions of government and money in order to place ever more distance between the people and the power to actually determine their lives.  Various networks of "local chapters" of faceless globalism operate via sleeper activists embedded in national civil and public services - such as Common Purpose.  

The left broadly conflates all aspects of "wokism"  (no TV ad-break without a same-sex or coloured family featured; no opportunity to introduce the same-sex partner of a TV game show contestant is ever missed) - this is discrimination at the level of serious brainwashing with a slightly trendier name - and taunts the mildly reactionary populism of what was once  "the silent majority". Most people who just want to be left alone to get on with their lives and families, without being cornered into adopting the tenets of rabid extremism. All the while, the mainstream narrative pushed by the BBC, C4 , Sky and ITV takes is cue from Tony Blair's 1997 junta, whilst "rubbing the noses of the right in diversity".

Fault lines in society start with education, failed by dogma and activists. This principle is applied in every religion:  'Give me a child till he is seven years old,' said St Ignatius Loyola, ' and I will show you the man.' The founder of the Jesuit Brotherhood.

Former head teacher Chris McGovern is a rare voice of sanity in he education "blob":  'we've got a long way to go to catch up to where we were 40 years ago' | Chris McGovern

How has this happened in the UK? 

With years of steady subversion of education, as the UK system was steadily degraded when grammar schools that traditionally provided social mobility based on achievement, were dogmatically dumbed down as comprehensives, Further serious mischief occurred when Blair arranged that all kids - regardless of ability, need or suitability - would go to university - any old university - where indoctrination could take place away from the moderating influence of family. Fundamentally subversive left wing staff and institutions were paid to wash brains in the final flush of impressionable youth. was more than likely. Most uni staff realized they were onto a fabulous earner with wonderful vacations that they would never achieve outside the protective cocoon of further education. Don't rock the boat, Prof!  Also, hanging the spectre of a £30k debt around the necks of graduates on departure, might also help keep them compliant... 

The process of empowering society's fringes and margins was turbocharged in the 1980s by the arrival of the opportunity for any anarchist with £5 a month to locate "fellow online travellers" via special interest online bulletin boards that were the forerunners of social media. And from these gatherings of like minds, propagate outrageous and unchallenged opinions in echo chambers, at light speed. In the early days, disputes amongst online nerds that could not be easily resolved in a civilised manner became "flame wars", and so set the seeds of cancel culture.

All propagandists and psychologists will tell you that people are at their most vulnerable and easily manipulated when worked up into a lather, and the progressive adoption of English as the default global language of communication has also helped to strip away the subtlety and nuance of diplomacy, and reduce political confrontation to a hard core of seething resentment. Social media companies quickly learned that

The murmuring from the Boris haters suggests that a bandwagon of potential strikers is now trundling along and gaining momentum; after all, who would not fancy a pay rise if they are being dished out? More to the point, perhaps, who fears being left off the pay rise bandwagon when they see already well-paid railway workers determined to bully their way to a pay raise on top of well above-average salaries.

Will the government have the bottle to call the bluff and cancel the folly of HS2, and put the money into backed-up resilient fibre communications to every location in the land, and give the UK the scope to allow bright UK entrepreneurs to take home working to the next levels? Given the pace of progress in 3D printers, we can't be too far away from scifi replicators and matter transporter, can we?



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