Sunday 28 July 2024

Jordan Petersen meets with Elon Musk

Jordan Petersen meets with Elon Musk 

July 28th 2024 v 0.1 rolling

Is Peterson/Musk an axis of common sense against evil that can take on and take down those lost souls in the thrall of the WEF?

The 2 hour version of the interview is on X, which taking over as a safe place for free speech and  video discussion (

Society:JBP on the value of marriage

Start July 27th 2024

Here's another rolling topic that hopes to gather moss as it careers through the labyrinth of social media. V0.11

Dr Jordan B Peterson has probably nailed this issue in one post on Twitter;

...but I will keep this post open and evolving.
The subject of marriage is central to the debate around gender and the responsibility for the protection of "minors" in times when the imagery of the Olympic opening ceremony promotes Armageddon, and the various "vignettes" celebrate a variety of popular modern perversions and debauchery.

JBP begins...

People grow up when they get married.

It is probably better to get married when you are young because then you grow up. And then what else matures people? 

I have met very few people who have fully matured who do not have children. I think there is a reason for that, a real technical reason. You are not mature until someone else matters more than you—period. Maybe that will be your wife or your husband, but probably not. They might matter as much as you, and maybe that is the right amount. But when you have children, they matter more than you, unless there is something seriously wrong with you.

Very few parents, if push came to shove, would not die for their children. As soon as someone else matters more than you do in some fundamental sense, you have taken another step toward a true, mature responsibility. I do not see that you can do that without necessity, and there is nothing that screams necessity more than an infant.

Now if you have not already taken a look at the Elon Musk interview with Jordan Peterson, do so now. Use the option for speeded-up playout if you need. 

Between the two of them, they appear to be monopolising the world of obvious common sense, to provide the silenced majority with an unequivocal voice that has got the silencers raffled. Musk and Peterson present a vast "attack surface" to the liberal alliance that embodies the fashionable left/woke activism that is mostly distinguished by its readiness to express it's view using "shoot first/ discuss later" cancel culture tactics that now control and influence the media with manipulated woke social engineering to suit WEF agendas.

The polarisation of the tribes of "us" and "them" has forced most people into adopting one or the other and it is fascinating that the split continues to be around 50/50.

The notion that Labour has anything approaching a morally sustainable right to govern based on manipulation of the system to sustain the illusion that 34% of the vote is a landslide mandate...but hardly anyone is speaking out about this at present. 

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Freeview TV is fatally flawed! It can never work in large areas of the UK...

The Freeview TV platform is less fatally flawed than it was ..?

Previous update 6th February 2024 

Latest 17th July 2024

Good news- coverage in Essex has improved and been solid for the last couple of months, with only occasional outages. Nothing has changed at this end with the antenna or equipment, so maybe my efforts to draw attention to the problem have actually found the right people.

Most Freeview viewers will have seen reception problems often caused by high pressure over Northern Europe. All the more reas on to fume at those polticians and civil servants who ignored advice and still sold the crucial bandwith for mobile phone use.

So remember to check the European Tropo report page at ...

The map is showing red lines for propagation on the 144MHz band (2m ham band) and Band4 UHF is  500-580Mhz - but the basic principles apply, and the ducting conditions that create extended range at 144MHz will also generally enhance 500MHz. If there is no tropo effect at 144MHz, there will be none at 500MHz.

The current solar activity peak is adding to the excitement, with a startling display of Aurora that was visible even at mid lattitudes on September 12/13 2023 - always a harbinger of challenging and complex radio propagation 

Watch for updates ! 

In the good old days of analogue TV coverage, it was simple to see if there was "atmospheric interference" by the patterning on the picture. And it rarely ever got to the point where the whole program was trashed. The sound was generally barely affected ... and viewers were prepapared to put up with a remarkable amount of patterning. Crucially, the clues that this was "obviously" co-channel interference were visible to all, and the process is very well described by Sheffield-based, a specialist supplier of cures and advice... 

Old analogue UHF TV picture with co-channel patterning

But digital is a different situation, it either all works or it is unwatchable - and the sound can be brutally chopped up, frequently with a blank screen with an unhelpful message telling you your TV signal has disappeared - as if you didn't already know. There is very little degradation in the form of progressive loss between perfect reception and total FUBAR. You have to delve deep into setup of TV and STB to find the signal strength and quality reports – which are pointless for most users anyway. The broadcasters and platform operators are keen to avoid admitting any sort of potential liability.

A big irritant with Freeview (UK Digital terrestrial television - DTT) interference is the time being wasted by people wondering what happened to their TV picture when it breaks and disappears. Who or what is to blame? Nobody knows without checking the signals (and multiple channels) in multiple locations and posting results on a website in real time, where people can visit to see if they are wasting their time - because the fault is out of viewer and broadcaster control when due to "transient" atmospheric conditions. 

These atmospheric conditions are known as tropospheric ducting, which is brought about in the UK by static high pressure weather systems over Europe. An excellent technical description for nerds by an aussie radio ham (VK3FS)  is available on YouTube...

Pixelated Freeviewing....

Many users of the Freeview digital terrestrial TV broadcast platform, and its derivative YouView, have found reception broken sporadically over the past few years. Currently (spring 2023), bad reception on Freeview and other digital terrestrial TV services is mostly affecting the South East - as the interference is being ducted across from the near continent by atmospheric conditions. A detailed description of the process is available on the excellent ATV Website

No one said this was easy, and whilst we sympathise with the challenge facing Freeview and it's broadcasters, the government was warned this was going to happen well in advance - and chose to ignore.  Pixelation break-up will tend to affect all DTT channels during periods of interference, although the broadcasts are grouped on transmitters in blocks called '"multiplexes". These operate on separate frequencies in band 4 UHF, which is the remaining radio frequency spectrum previously occupied by analogue UHF TV, after the sell-off to mobile networks. Interference from foreign transmissions can be on any frequency, and it may be scrambled up with many other signals that make it difficult to identify precise sources. Local interference arising from rogue PV inverters (and even dodgy phone chargers) is also possible, but the average TV viewer is not going to be able to diagnose this type of problem, and the BBC who are notionally responsible for helping viewers with Freeview reception issues, will not be able to assist in most cases.

Freeview and its partners are saying very little, since there is generally no cure other than "wait until it stops". The only other thing that is being said is "whatever you do, don't attempt to retune your receiver during these periods of interference"... as that can completely scramble the setup, and you will not be able to find out when normal service has been resumed. A full reset may be required.

Which does not impress the viewers denied access. Ofcom does not want a baying mob at the gate demanding their licence fees back. You can  check the real time tropo propagation at...


The simple reality for licence fee payer...


Hmmm... that reply seems suspiciously like the sound of a can being kicked down the lane; with any luck, the conditions that caused the Freeview signal to be trashed will have moved on by the time the viewers have been put to more inconvenience of fiddling about, and they won't have the energy to pursue it further?

Reception remains unpredictable, and is compounded by the solar cycle reaching a peak with solar flux at a ten-year-high.  Follow the sun at - also the aurora visible around the world are predicted reliably at this site ... which confirms that the sun may have more influence over our atmosphere than is recognised by our obsession with a trace gas that represents 0.04% of the atmosphere.

So there have been days when Freeview simply does not work in affected areas.  A brief warning posted on a Facebook group had a response within minutes:  William Morrison said :- "Glad I saw this. All my non HD channels have been pixelating all week. Was going to buy a new tv today .."

And if people are buying new Freeview gear because of this, they may want compensation when the truth is exposed – a combination of a conspiracy of silence and the negligent choice of DTT and sale of essential spectrum.  Dealers and manufacturers with stocks of Freeview equipment have a problem.

The Daily Express: 

This was the first time we hd seen the Freeview problem mentioned in the mainstream press!  Yes, it’s a bit nerdy and we imagine Ofcom is keen that public attention is not drawn to the problem -  because Ofcom sold UHF TV bandwidth for mobile phones, and there is now no room to manoeuvre TV out of the way of the interference – despite being warned this would happen.

There was communication with government at the time of analogue switch off, warning that DTTV wouldn’t work, and suggesting all effort went into Freesat, to create a solution that would enable a whole house to be fed from a single single dish: a key benefit of UHF delivered DTTV, is that Satellite TV generally requires one dish feed and box per TV; so multiroom solutions for satellite still seem to cost from £500.

The future of TV delivery is IP (online) - as all UK broadcasting using wireless is being turned off and the radio spectrum sold.

The various World Radiocommunications Conferences that are held from time to time to coordinate the response of each national telecommunications authority to allocate frequencies that will avoid interference and set other standards, appear to be helping the WEF to establish the universal imposition of digital online spyware. The TV industry likes the idea, since it makes tracking and tracing audiences for the purposes of advertising possible - and it conforms with the world economic forum proposition that we "will own nothing and be happy", by forcing everyone to have a (rented) tracked and traced IP connection, and is a further step along the way towards digital currency laced with social scores.

So there is now a big effort to herd all users to online and get all radio and television via broadband, which obviates the need for Freeview digital terrestrial TV to work. So the message from Ofcom to the TV industry is "hang on chaps sooner or later television reception over UHF broadcast will be history anyway.

This also achieves the holy grail for the government, by enabling BBC services to be moved to subscription so the licence fee can be scrapped. But there is a green angle to consider...summing up all the options, someone has shown that UHF broadcast makes better use of energy than online. Don't tell Greta.

" The terrestrial distribution of television signals is currently more efficient and less energy-consuming than IP-delivered content, a report for the regulator Ofcom has found.

Although it does not have statutory duties to consider environmental sustainability issues, Ofcom’s report commissioned from Carnstone recognises the importance of understanding factors which affect the stakeholders.

For both OTT and DTT services, most of the energy consumption is within the home rather than in the distribution system – TV sets, viewing devices, and in-home networks account for 90% of the energy used.

This includes devices within the home such as Wi-Fi networks and set-top boxes that are usually left switched on, even if their power consumption is relatively low.

Outside the home, the network transmission uses six times more energy for OTT based on current viewing volumes, though this is relatively low, and TV viewing is deemed to be a relatively low source of emissions overall.

One hour of viewing TV via terrestrial networks has an energy consumption of 9.1Wh whilst for streaming, this is 54Wh. In other words, viewing TV for an hour is approximately the same as boiling water for around 3-4 cups of tea.

Networks have become more efficient overall, not by reducing absolute energy consumption, but by serving more data traffic with a similar amount of energy."

And perhaps someone should take note that 5G towers are consuming a lot of energy, so China Unicom is putting some of them to sleep overnight.  China Unicom decided to put some 5G base stations to sleep between 9pm and 9am, prompting concern from users - 5G energy consumption is an environmental problem that’s being overlooked, some experts say...
5G towers are consuming a lot of energy, so China Unicom is putting some of them to sleep overnight | South China Morning Post (

Here are latest preview pictures of the low energy 7G iPhone 19

Well done to the politicians and their experts for having the vision to take all the factors and issues into account, and get us to this moment...

TV streaming players are a poor "upgrade" to a Freeview PVR

You lose the option to record off-air on a Freeview or Youview PVR, that enables you to play back PVR recordings and recover the 15% of your (carefully tracked and analysed) leisure time that is being confiscated by broadcasters, and sold to advertisers without your permission. Then those advertisers add insult to injury by delivering commercials that portray a fantasy society - that bears only a passing resemblance to the UK demographic makeup - one that seems mostly to exist in the minds of politically correct marketing and media industries.  Even the endless "pay now for your cremation" ads are "fully  inclusive" ... maybe the NHS will include a commercial for prepaid cremation with each vaccine booster shot for the over 60s????

Moreover, the online players that deliver these commercials (ITVx, All4 etc) do not seem to work in many situations. After viewers have suffered the tedium of setting up their accounts, they will be delivered a commercial they didn't ask for, and then this message appears after the service crashes and fails to resume playing the programme:

The various "help" addresses on Twitter and elsewhere for Freeview, Youview and TalkTalk are epically frustrating, and only seem to exist to politely shoo away all users, by grinding them down in a battle wills... I will not bother to repeat the threads here - but rest assured everything has been taken down and will be used in evidence.

Meanwhile, the UK government is preparing to turn off all analogue radio tranmissions (AM: LW/MW FM:VHF) so we will all be stuck with the unskippable online ads, unless all commercial players follow ITV's lead and offer users the option to pay to buy back their time that would otherwise be wasted on commercials. Ironically the UK government's reason for doing this is so that the BBC licence fee can be dropped and the BBC will fund itself with differential charging for content... and may well also introduce advertising.

We would suggest one way to sweeten an otherwise bitter pill would be for broadcasters to share the advertising revenues with those forced to suffer commercials by using a reward scheme such IncenTV…  "we reward you for interaction and responding to commercials" 

Next move?

It is in the nature of this type of periodic atmospheric interference that it can disappear as quickly and as randomly as it appeared. At which point many of those with responsibility for the broadcast delivery chain will attempt to kick the can down the lane, and insist that the viewers imagined it all; or there are additional local factors for which no broadcaster has any responsibility or any control. 

And of course, this may all be blamed on "climate change"..? However, look here for an update on the present solar activity.

But rest assured, it can reoccur randomly when the atmospheric conditions are aligned, so the fundamental truth that the digital terrestrial broadcast platform is not fit for purpose, will not have changed. Maybe the 5 to 10 million affected premises should apply for the BBC licence fee to be returned? Plus the cost of antenna installations and hardware that has been bought?

Let's not allow "them" get away with this!

Are you a BBC licence payer and a user of Freeview or Youview?

You may be entitled to join a class action claim for refund of the past 3 years licence fees, and costs you have incurred buying equipment and antenna installation services for a Freeview service that is frequently broken beyond the ability of Freeview to fix.
Watch for developments.

Fusion Energy Overview Commenced May24

Fusion Energy Overview ... Commenced May24

July 17th v0.2

Having been debating the practical availability of fusion energy on Twitter for a while, I need to point out that just about all the energy that has driven the universe since the big bang is hydrogen fusion energy. 
All the energy responsible for life on earth (and everything else!) is also hydrogen fusion energy. Some 5% of the energy presently delivered in the UK grid system is also fusion energy.
It's just that the reactor is 93m miles away then converted by local solar panels.

May 22nd V0.1

Well then, the pace of Fusion news is picking up. I will do my best to sift the pearls of knowledge 

Once a practical fusion generator can be demonstrated and delivered, EVERY thing changes.

This is the best recent contribution I found: Germany seems to be in the lead... which may explain why they are so laid back about their prewsnt conventional energy shortfall

It's not over - YouTube has become the world leader in hype to get you lock on your eyeballs.
Check out the commercial project discussed in this video  Gauss Fusion 

Cold Fusion is Back (there's just one problem)

Although from May 2023, this remains a worthy primer and Sabine Hossenfelder does her usual bang up job of explaining and presenting.

Monday 1 July 2024

World War Three is under way...

Surviving World War Three...  

...starts with being reliably informed - something which is absolutely not guaranteed in this age of digital deception and endless gaslighting. The UK's ofcom regulatory agency has been perverting and subverting the broadcast and media industry for a long time now. Somehow, we have to find a way of making its operations much more transparent.

[This url]

16JULY24 update
Russian sabre-rattling is getting sinister when senior Kremlin folks are suggesting that the Storm Shadow cruise missiles developer - BAE systems - are considered legitimate targets. Not least because UK "advisers" are suspected to be involved in training and (successful) operation.
The next stage of a "proper" world War as opposed to "a little local difficulty" is to attack your enemies' military and political assets, wherever they may be located in the world.

The grumbling broke last November and is picking up momentum.

We have cleverly left Russia with very little to lose if they do take a pop, as Ukraine is proving the truth of the old maxim that a good biggun will always beat a good littleun in the long run. At the start of the Ukrainian adventure, Russia was exposed as seriously inept - but we have now graciously given it enough time to get its act together with the money from the sale of oil and gas and Ukraine is in deep trouble... while ignoring the Yuri Bezmenov warnings for 40 years of becoming immersed in the distraction nonsense of gender and pronouns for our armed forces (farces?)...

Maybe Russia's greatest triumph has been to reduce UK national moral to the point that there is no evidence of any appetite to fight for King and Country. Never mind our woefully discredited politicians. Patriotism is "so yesterday" as a result of the unprededented public and media cynicsm - traceable to the rot that was initiated by Tony Blair's 1997 regime. Coincidentally, Sunak is now punting the idea of national service for 18 year olds. Presuambly some members of the Sunak Youth will serve in squads of smoking ban enforcers?

Various observers believe that World War 3 has already kicked off involving the West versus Russia/Iran/Palestine axis with ambivalence from China and India.

Many missiles and drones have been launched; helicopters carrying presidents have come down in mountains, and undersea communication cables and pipelines have been "failing". This is actually getting serious if you can drag yourself away from the Euros and pantomime politics.

All of which means the strategic case for scheduled short wave (SW) broadcast radio is as strong now as it's ever been since WW2 : especially in the online age where the path from source to listener is complex, convoluted with many vulnerable points for interception and failure.

Shortwave can reach over 4 billion listeners behind tyrant internet firewalls for a transmission cost of around £500 per hour. A £5k "field" transmitter and antenna can be set up and made operational in an hour by a trained crew. Compare that to 20 years and ~£100bn to install and commission internet/cellphone digital broadcast infrastructure that could reach 4 billion. Assuming everything was working in chains of hundreds of connected interdependent services.

WW2 had made “the Wireless” the go-to national information medium for the whole world – and those sets used thermionic valves tied to mains power. The much more convenient battery powered portable transistor radio appeared in the 50s, and by the 60s every home (and teenager) had at least one.

The swinging sixties was the seminal period for British Pop – and Radio Luxembourg (founded in 30s) was already available across the UK and Europe - despite the UK’s government’s autocratic control of the airwaves that prevented commercial broadcasting, 208 Radio Luxembourg was “adopted British media”, much to the chagrin of the BBC and UK regulatory authorities. As the name suggests it was broadcast (legally) from tiny Luxembourg using the world’s most powerful medium wave transmitter on 208m - in the medium wave, easily heard across Europe after dark. It cornered the teenage and youth market and so the advertisers lined up, it was clearly hugely popular.

Then came the offshore pirates operating in international waters off the UK’s east coast, and Radio Caroline 208, Radio North Sea International (and others) were launched from 1965 and quickly became an entertainment sensation in the medium wave. The UK response was typically anodyne with the 1967 introduction of the heavily regulated BBC Radio One to sit alongside the Light Programme which became Radio two – and the Home Service became Radio 4. Various other services have come and gone over the years, and now all these and more exist in a variety of online incarnations. And then there was the podcast.

BBC Radio has been rebranded as BBC Sounds. However, the audience has been divided rather than grown – the ability of the Home Service and light programme to reach just about everyone in the UK each week Is something a modern media mogul would die for.
Meanwhile, Television showed up!

TV had progressed to 5 terrestrial channels and the start of the idea of digital terrestrial TV – with another muddle of regulation, incompatible non-standard technology and an obsession with encryption. Predictable commercial folly ensued. The public was more confused than ever, and the same audience with a “legacy” UHF band4 TV antenna that once had the choices of BBC1/2 and ITV, could now spread itself thinly over about 50 digital channels.

Digital terrestrial television launched as ONdigital in the UK on 15 November 1998. However, ONdigital had problems from the start, and renaming the service ITV Digital on 11 July 2001 failed to help the matter. And Freeview still does not work reliably across much of the UK.

All subscription services except E4 and FilmFour went off-air on 1 May 2002 after the consortium collapsed, explained as being due to paying too much for the television rights for The Football League. However, the choice of 64QAM broadcast mode, the fact that at least 40% of homes would need new aerials to receive it, a high churn rate, an insecure hackable encryption system, the cost of having to provide free set-top boxes, and aggressive competition from BSkyB all contributed to ITV Digital's spiralling costs, before shareholders Granada and Carlton called a halt to the venture.

All this sets a scene that suggests the UK broadcast industry in the 90s might have been better managed if operated by a troupe of chimpanzees. 

VAST amounts of money had been wasted on new technology follies - and for some reason the BBC and UK government decided to cut the relatively minor cost of one broadcast service that had been quietly and effectively going about its job of delivering authoritative news, “soft diplomacy” and British culture to the world: the BBC World Service on radio - since December 1932!

And then in the midst of this confusion, the number of digital TV and radio channels proliferated, and spread the same audience ever more thinly across all these new channels. In the golden age of 5 channel TV, ITV and BBC still commanded 20m audiences for prime time. And then the 500 channel digital diaspora was further confused by TIVO/personal video recorder devices - and now ultimately 5 million channels of internet and streaming. 

I don’t think it can get any worse!  Sooner or later, new formats of advanced programme guides will come along to help round up and redirect dispersed audiences to available services. Smart EPGs are a very big subject for another blog post. They can even be operated if the internet is taken down by WW3.  

Back to the future 

It is strategically necessary to rethink and relaunch the one broadcasting format that allows the truth to reach everybody on the planet in the most direct fashion, simultaneously: short wave radio! Remember that any smartphone is going to betray the user's identity and location - even to the extent of providing targeting information... ðŸ’¥

The really fascinating allure of SW was and remains that broadcasts from the right type of antenna installations (at the right time of day) at just 1 to 5 locations around the planet can reach battery portable receivers in the hands of all 8 billion inhabitants of that planet. The ultimate mass medium. And it's "off grid".

There is no need for a subscription. A SW radio receiver is a one time purchase. Emergency and temporary transmitters can be put up in a day by squads of 4 people with a week's training. Internet infrastructure has taken 25 years to evolve to the current level, and it most certainly cannot be replaced in the day following a major natural or unnatural catastrophe.

~£25 could provide off-grid information from around the world directly from transmitter to this multiband DRM receiver, without needing to pass along sabotaged undersea cables or through a chain of smouldering data centres  ..?

An Achilles heel of short wave broadcasting is that it may be jammed by those who would prefer the information did not reach the audience. This is, however, an imprecise process, and new and sophisticated ways to dodge jamming are possible. However, the very presence of a jamming signal will indicate to the audience that there is information that somebody wants to conceal from them... and it is human nature to be curious...

However, it is in the fascinating nature of short wave that the signals are bounced off the Ionosphere - which varies in height and density according to time of day and location. It is possible that a transmitter 10 miles away will be inaudible - but is perfectly audible 1000 miles away. The "skywave" signal sails over the local receiver on its way up to be reflected from the ionosphere. Back in the day, the transmitter engineers and frequency planners of the World Service could aim to "drop a signal" into a specific location. This can make jamming short wave broadcasts into an impossibly complex process.

Continued at

The challenge is to make sure the audience has the means to receive the short wave transmissions. Some snazzy tech coupled to compelling content is a place to start thinking. Media operators ashould go weak at the knees at the prospect getting their content on a network where it costs ~£500 per hour to "pass" an audience of 4 billion.

Once upon a time, almost everyone had access to a "regular" radio with coverage of the short wave bands. Listening to the radio services from around the globe was a big part of my youth in the 60s/70s – I used to listen to the English language services of the Voice of America, Radio Canada International, Radio Netherlands – plus Radio Moscow and Radio Peking and many others. Almost all countries at that time invested an hour a day to broadcast their “state news” in English. Every house had at least one “AM” radio somewhere that was capable of receiving these programmes with a modest antenna.

Next time you watch missiles on TV news, you might like to contemplate how you can remain informed once the internet has been disabled by missiles or "unfriendly" hackers. Which will almost certainly also take out digital TV services.

The vulnerability of undersea cables carrying internet data is quite terrifying.

(C) WSP 2022/2024

Thursday 23 May 2024

time to rehouse the politically homeless

It's time to rehouse the politically homeless 

22may24 V0.7. 

This will be copied to substack eventually

Rehousing the politically homeless 

No wonder so many lifelong Conservative supporters describe themselves as politically homeless. 

At a time when Henry Kissinger of all people steps up to dismiss multiculturalism as a disaster, we are learning how shockingly inept and feckless Boris has been in the hands of the manipulative and misguided Carrie - who appears to have driven policy on everything from the evacuation of animals from Afghanistan through to net zero. Which the West will be wearing and paying for forever, with the destruction of the European centric "traditional" vehicle industry and other counterproductive eco-virtue signalling projects that have played into the hands of China and Russia.

The lesson of the recent NZ elections may be that if there is a proper conservative choice, the people will vote for it. 

The UK's present "uniparty" mess - a product of a subverted civil service - including dogmatic Marxist Union activism by our perniciously infiltrated media industry -  that is actively aided and abetted by Ofcom/DCMS bent on social engineering and creating impossibly labyrinthine regulatory frameworks that empower cancel culture, and especially the unelected "elites" of law and education.

Rounded off by a parliamentary Conservative Party - almost completely devoid of any discernible common sense - that unapologetically despises and defies its own membership - that does not appear to have an election winning bone in its flaccid body.

Well done Graham Brady. He has earned the opportunity to write the suicide note for the Conservative Party.

The same inert uniparty mess exists across the EU, aided and abetted by years of PR and coalition compromise - much to the delight of the puppet masters of globalism at the WEF - and their business collaborators that helped set up, deliver and exploit the pandemic.

Sanity Czech

My expat Czech comrade observes that maybe the underlying problem is the deepening confusion between political right and political left.

For example, the traditional Marxist left still keeps rooting for Putin because in their minds Russia is still the Soviet Union, even though contemporary Russia is more akin to the traditional czarist Russian state, conservative, arch-capitalist and deeply religious.

This should be a total anathema to the left, but it is not because they seem to be running on inertia and historical amnesia. Same thing about China, whose recent spectacular economic growth is owing to its return to unbridled market capitalism, governed by technocratic meritocracy, with morals based on Confucianism, all modelled upon Singapore.

Yet, unlike with Singapore, politicians on both the left and the right still keep referring to China as “communist”. This fundamental-level confusion, with no clear definitions or models of what should constitute contemporary socialism and capitalism then projects to all levels. Maybe it is time to redefine the political boundaries and align the major division groups with what’s actually happening on the ground.

One of the examples of the contemporary political confusion is the left’s support of the war in Ukraine - even though traditionally the left used to be unconditionally anti-war, and their moral failure focussing their protests solely on Israel while apologising for Hamas, completely ignoring that it was Hamas, a terrorist organisation with explicitly defined goals of destruction, who started the aggression, in the most despicable and gruesome way.

WOTE for None of the Above

Now for rehousing - please look at the Will Of The Electorate party ( Come and be charmed by alluring slogans like "effective government without dogmatic politics", "housing for the politically homeless", "doing what the electorate actually want, not what politicians think it needs".

Party founder Peter Dawe and his team were responsible for making the commercial internet happen across the UK and much of Europe in the late 1980s with Pipex, so he's not fazed by a challenge and long term strategy to replace deeply embedded incumbents (dinosaur telcos) with better evolved solutions.  Spot the parallels. The challenge is convincing the cynics that say it's far too good an idea to be allowed to have a fair shot in the grubby business of uniparty politics, since it is the embodiment of the "none of the above" proposition that causes all traditional politicians' blood to run cold. 


Monday 20 May 2024

Climate and covid misdirection and censorship explored by good guys

This random digest is a brief canter through the story of online opinion and idea manipulation: climate, covid, ELEs, swamp/blob coercion 

First Released Feb 24

Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth

So how on earth were so many notionally sane people taken by Greta Thunberg? As expected, the net zero factions reacted with outrage to this debunk and did their best to discredit this video; but there is still no substantive evidence to support an anthropogenic hypothesis. If you want to do your own background research, then you can worse than start with long-term observer David Siegel - who has put out a challenge to hold the ultimate public debate about the truth of man-made climate change. So why no takers? Climate curious — Shortfall (
Let's not forget the clues that we have been fed misinformation have been around a long time:-
The use of colour to create alarm became quite obvious .... does it require further comment?

And there follows a slab of rarely gathered "perspective" from previously suppressed reporting, in the light of what actually happened as the wheels have come off many "conspiracy" accusations, which can no longer be shut down and denied by mainstream media - misinformers like the unstable Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and the rash of fact-checking censors. You will recall that Maddow is the woman that went "off on one" earnestly assuring the gullible that vaccinated people could not infect others.

Remember, this is always the underlying propaganda challenge:
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain -

The catch-all bogey of "right-wing terrorism" is being wheeled on as a last-ditch throw of the dice to try and hide the gaslighting that has been rampant since 2020 - following the pilot fearmongering projects of drowning polar bears and submerging islands and cities of the Al Gore era of climate alarmism.
(One of the main consequences of that period seems to be that Gore appears to be some $200m richer. Just watch the net worth of those government scientists and advisers who have quietly snuck onto the boards of Big Pharma that made Big Money from the government purchase of their untested vaccines...) 

Now the wheels are just about off the bandwagon, and critical thinking can be applied once again, a number of suppressed warnings are appearing - and few more poignant than Viscount Monkton (Margaret Thatcher's science adviser) interprets the climate change conspiracy as well and concisely as anyone, when warning us back around 2008 what to expect. He seems to have been correct so far. Well worth the 10 mins.

The explanation of Vladimir Putin's intervention in order to sustain Russian interests is also revealing. Do you believe you have been told the whole truth?

Viscount Monkton explains the WEF fraud behind the climate hoax. 
Viscount Monkton 

If you want to inform your view with the experience of a veteran campaigner for climate reality with a proper class on climate basics - then check out David Siegel's masterclass here
They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 19th. They will be 7pm - 8:30pm UK time. 

March 12th: Mars's gravitational pull may be strong enough to stir Earth's oceans
An analysis of deep-sea drill cores suggests that Mars may have enough gravitational influence to shift sediment within Earth's oceans on a 2.4-million-year cycle. 

The gravitational tug of Mars may be strong enough to stir up Earth’s ocean, shifting its sediments as part of a 2.4-million-year climate cycle, researchers claim.

It has long been accepted that wobbles in Earth’s orbit around the sun influence the planet’s climate, with these Milankovitch cycles operating on periods measured in thousands of years. Now, Adriana Dutkiewicz at the University of Sydney and her colleagues say they have found a 2.4-million-year “Grand Cycle”, which they believe is driven by Mars and has had dramatic impacts on currents in Earth’s oceans for at least 40 million years.  New Scientiest reports

Covid corner

And while we are on the debunk rampage, Dr John Campbell
relates the experience of having had covid for the first time recently with a Danish colleague. He reports the experience was worse than a cold, but nowhere near as bad as influenza. Which appears to be a fairly commonly reported situation throughout the world. It begs the question if the early covid treatments and prophylactics were specifically debunked and ignored - in order to accelerate the panic and give the impression that there was no escape so that the vaccine could be forced upon a frightened public..?

Stepping back and watching the psychology of the billions of people who have been misled by the expertly crafted psychological warfare that spread the panic has been "educational" - so how they will react to learning they have been scammed on an unprecedented scale is fascinating. John Campbell's YouTube channel is widely regarded as the most honest and straightforward place to get reliable C19 situation reports.

more rolling updates

"The evidence is now clear and unequivocal - simple Vitamin prophylaxis (getting a bit of sun or taking a supplement) to ensure you weren’t Vitamin D deficient was demonstrably more effective than the vaccines "

Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (

That report is very extensive - so here is a  summary:

"To the best of our knowledge, a strength of our study lies in the fact that it is the first meta-analysis conducted exclusively on studies that considered preventive vitamin D supplementation in people not affected by COVID-19 infection. Prior to our investigation, as reported in the Discussion, only two meta-analyses, which mainly focused on vitamin D supplementation post COVID-19 diagnosis, included subgroup analyses conducted on vitamin D supplementation pre COVID-19 diagnosis. We chose not to include studies in which vitamin D supplementation occurred following the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in order to evaluate the actual impact on the incidence of the disease.
Finally, the results of our meta-analysis seem to support the use of vitamin D, especially in populations with vitamin D deficiencies, in the prevention of COVID-19 infection and in the prevention of related complications."

Which John Campbell and his colleagues have been saying for over a year - but at least the effort to deplatform him seems to have subsided.. John Campbell

And what about those curious blood clots found during autopsies..?

Pfizer in the frame:~
bringing discredit to pharmaceutical industry

John Campbell gets uncharacterically excited by this outrageous scandal in Parliament

So then, how can this level of dishonest gaslighting happen? How can this sort of thing happen on such a scale? Once again refer to the Bezmenov Playbook in which he sets out the basic rules of subversiion. We woz warned and not enough people saw this... Full lecture 90mins ....

The FULL (90 minute) Bezmenov subversion warning from 1985. ..above, and at at  with a Highlights edition at .... 

Highlights 26min  ...


Yuri sets up the Mike Benz explanation nicely with his more recent explanation of "subversion through censorship" - thanks to Musk's willingness to support Tucker Carlson and interviewees like Mike Benz... The rigging of the Biden election is not specifically discussed, but you don't have to read far between the lines of Russiagate and postal votes to find it.

(And this is also posted on twitter at )

18APR24  The worrying case of the WokaMatic Cancelbot

The worrying story of Unherd and the Global Disinformation Index

Content is evaluated by AI trained to be woke. You can work out the  rest...

Ronald Reagan had a moment of poignant insight that was not taken too seriously at the time:

If your reaction to Tucker/Benz is "this can't possibly be true, you're 'avin a giraffe, mate..."  I understand.  It's just too vast and sinister... so then consider if you would have believed that a dysfunctional geriatric could be president of the USA. Obviosuly it was Reagan that Spitting Image would choose to satirise with a running gag about the "President's Brain is Missing". 

The Presidents's Suite of Policies has completely upstaged Hans Christian Andersen and the Emperor's New Clothes. But his reecnt State of the Union address suggests the care team has at last found meds that work; or he has a double... 

Robert F Kennedy's alternative message is more than a little poignant - too bad he is given no chance - so far:

Thursday 16 May 2024

Sci-fi... religion for geeks?

16may24v 0.1

As we are being drawn ever deeper into a quagmire of prosaic existential nonsense from Stormy Daniels to the ongoing invasion by illegal itinerants - the temptation to pass the buck to a supreme being to sort out still remains, despite thousands of years of failure to persuade any deity intervene to assist in any obvious way.

The age of discovery in the 18/19 centuries that evolved from the work of Newton and Kepler promoted various notions of heresy as established religious beliefs were directly and indirectly challenged. And we are still being held hostage by fanatics with irrational beliefs.

Deference to religious tolerance has allowed other pseudo religious cults to become empowered and impose their all manner of irrational beliefs, as though there is currently a general entitlement to hold almost any absurd belief as a "human right."


My turn! I have been a Sci-Fi aficionado since episode one Dr Who in 1963 - and what a wild ride that has been while Russell T Davies insists on breaking it with defiant self-indulgence and fits of superfluous social engineering.

Meantime the budget bar (Who's early wonky cardboard sets remain icons of British culture) was quickly raised by Star Trek in 1966 - but Dr Who's premise of freedom to move in any dimension - including time - provided infinite creative scope compared to the linearity of Star Trek, where the focus on the hardware defined the boundaries.
And then the Stargate movie came along in 1994 and wove Egyptian and Norse mythology with space opera, but avoided attributing "supreme being" status to the gadget party tricks.

Star trek strayed into the metaphysical with the introduction of the Q Continuum in 1987; after which it was easy to cheat the "linear science" plot if required, although this plot device was used sparingly to avoid annoying the purists.
Star Gate had its Ancients - since it was necessary to explain where the stargates had originated. The Doctor Who equivalent being the Time Lords.

All three of these sci-fi dynasties have a nervous relationship with "supreme beings" and are uncomfortable with the challenge of relating to established religions. So the backstories of the Time Lords, the Ancients and Q are left are rich opportunities for fandom speculation. 

The internet has provided infinite scope to disseminate and explore these various geek heavens - and efforts to relate and explain are ongoing. 

All of them accept varying degrees of telekinesis and extra sensory perception as an integral part of their existence, plus of course the matter transport technology exploited in all is a huge leap of faith. Never mind inertial damping, artificial gravity and FTL travel.

I can't ignore Star Wars (1997 on) any longer. It has always struck me as being an outlier with most overlap with Star Trek. The device of a Force that "flows through all living things" is a neat way to tackle the metaphysical challenges. Parallels with Stargate's ascended Ancients.

And then we need to accommodate the fascinating stories of Uri Geller and Matthew Manning. Just what on earth is going on there? Despite attempts to expose them as frauds, they continue to exist with their followers in a parallel universe of uncertainty. After all many billions are taken in by Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and the rest - where there is considerably less hard evidence of bent spoons or hands on healing.

And right now (may24) we are being blasted by a peak of cyclical solar activity - the origins of which we only "sort of understand".

So I thought I would catch up with Einstein's unified field theory, as you do - which was a subject of interest to Steven Hawking and the place where all these ideas will inevitably collide.

Mark Fiorentino has done a decent job of touring that subject in the linked video.

You can skip in 5 minutes and watch X1.5

Saturday 11 May 2024

The effect of the sun on climate: proper science!

WORK IN PROGRESS since Dec2022 - this will be continuously evolved and updated, with links added,
The  challenge of a post like this - large and getting larger - is to get anyone to read it thoroughly. So I will try taunts:
"You will need an IQ of over 130 to be able to read and digest this information..." and if you give up after reading this advisory, then you are likely to have an IQ of below 100. But you can still apply to be a contestant on Michael McIntyre's "Wheel" gameshow.....

Updated 25JULY24  - a continuously developed blog - please comment via @wpoel on twitter.

Since I started writing this section, a star has been born in the shape of a climate science undergraduate called Chris Martz, who has reinvented climate debating as a martial art.  His weapon of choice is Twitter, so go and look him up you'll be impressed to see just how thorough he is when dismembering the wooly pseudos science that typifies the genre. The bodies are piling up in a most entertaining fashion. No prisoners are taken, and no quarter is given.


The warming from the Sun is cyclical, it's NOT constant. The distance of where you are from the Sun is constantly changing because both the Earth's orbit around the Sun is irregular and the Sun itself wobbles due to the combined gravitational pull of all the planets together. Look at the Schwabe solar cycle of 11 years, the Jose solar cycle of solar Inertial Motion of 179 years, Eddy Solar Cycle of 1000 years, the Bray-Halstatt Cycles of 2300-2500 years, then look into the three Milankovitch Cycles.

Short to medium term climate change:

Solar Inertial Motion: the combined mass of the planets also moves the position of the Sun through their combined gravitational pull, meaning the Sun moves around following the ever moving barycentre of the Solar system rather than being in a fixed central point in the middle Solar System. That is the key thing to understand: the Sun is moving around, wobbling in spiral like motion as it travels, it is not stationary. Once you understand that all medium term climate change can be explained simply because of the Sun's changing distance from the Earth.

None of this has anything to do with humans. None of this has anything to do with CO2. The models of the Solar System you grew up believing as a child were gross over simplifications. They conditioned you to believe that the Solar system has a fixed Sun position with a regular Sun activity with regular orbits, of which the Earth is one. Yet that is not the reality: not only the earth both tilts and wobbles as it orbits, but the orbit is a changing ellipse not a perfect circle, meaning the distance from the Sun is not constant. These are the three Milankovitch cycles. Also other planets have irregular orbits.

The combined effect of all these irregular orbits together pulls the Sun off centre of the solar system into the barycentre. A wobbling Sun is the real reason for short to medium term climate change, and an irregular earth orbit, tilt and wobble is the reason for long term climate change.

And this is just the beginning of the story of irregularity in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, then there are cycles of Sun activity, making it stronger and weaker according to how close to the 11 year cycle of magnetic poles flip it is, next being in 2024, and how many Sun spots & Solar flares we are exposed to. 

Then you need to factor volcanic activity, the Hunga-Tonga Hunga underwater volcanic eruption of January 2022 increased the water vapour in the stratosphere by 10%, this in itself will cause considerable warming of the planet in most regions.

It's definitely not a simplistic neat black and white story of CO2, a minor greenhouse gas, as 95% of the earth's greenhouse gases are constituted by water vapour instead. 

Humans have no power to determine either the orbit of the Earth around the Sun or the Sun's internal & external activity, or the water vapour in the atmosphere.

Life adapts much more easily to higher temperatures and increases in CO2, particularly plants, vegetation, trees, plankton& phytoplankton, than it does to decreases in CO2.

The real danger is a decrease of CO2, and a decrease in temperature, not an increase in either.

Once again, we have been deceived by a systematically corrupt scientific funding system linked to oligarchs interests.

CO2 was always a control knob for economic prosperity, not climate.

01may24 update...
In a netshell...

It's been a year of solid activity as we would expect at solar max, and there have been a number of terrestrial geological events in the usual "thin crust" zones...  

The coincidence of a big solar flare and a tsunami in Japan is the latest "coincidence" that associates solar activity and earth's geology. There is more recent real evidence for this correlation than for anthropogenic climate change. The 2011 Tsunami that caused the Fukujima nuclear power disaster also occurred at solar max. But the Carbon cultists would prefer not to dwell on anything that reminds us that the sun is demonstrably more influential in the big issues of climate than those who cannot tax the sun want to admit.

The BBC did a decent job of covering the basics of the iron core a year ago: The way the Earth's core spins may be changing - BBC Newsround

And yesterday this happened MAJOR X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Mere hours after emerging over the sun's eastern limb on Dec. 31st  2022, big sunspot AR3536 erupted, producing a major X5-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Updated 09Aug23

Various Odds and sods, and loose ends. Geomagnetic stats and comment.

Updated 08Aug23

X-class flares herald the Cycle 25 maximum alert.  
Earth is dodging some big solar storms. For the second time in 3 days, departing sunspot AR3386 unleashed a powerful X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash on Aug. 7th at ~2100 UT

This blog has always made the point that we simply do not know enough about the innermost functioning of the sun to provide foredcasts of flare events other than on the basis of "it's all been kicking off - so it's likely another bang will go off any minute..."  ... so not exactly precision forecasting, given its significance as the overwhelming source of heat energy in the solar system.

Lastest evolving update from an AI trawl:

"The influence of planetary gravity on the solar dynamo has been known for about 50 years. In 1972, a team of scientists led by Edward Parker [coincidental, but not related to the Parker of of Parker Pobe fame] proposed that the gravity of Jupiter and Saturn could play a role in the 11-year sunspot cycle. They argued that the gravitational pull of these two planets could cause the Sun's magnetic field to twist and distort, which could in turn lead to the formation of sunspots.

This hypothesis was further supported by observations in the 1980s. Scientists found that the number of sunspots tends to peak when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned in the same direction, and to trough when they are aligned in opposite directions. This suggests that the gravitational pull of these two planets is indeed having an impact on the Sun's magnetic field.

A more recent 2021 study looked into why explanations  and models in expert circles diverge widely as to why the magnetic field changes at all. Is the sun controlled externally or does the reason for the many cycles lie in special peculiarities of the solar dynamo itself? HZDR researcher Frank Stefani and his colleagues have been searching for answers for years—mainly to the question as to whether the planets play a role in solar activity. 

However, the exact mechanism by which planetary gravity affects the solar dynamo is still not fully understood. Some scientists believe that the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn can cause the Sun's magnetic field to become more turbulent, which can in turn lead to the formation of sunspots. Others believe that the gravitational pull of these two planets can cause the Sun's magnetic field to become more aligned with the Sun's rotation, which can also lead to the formation of sunspots."

So the only prediction concerning any aspect of our sun that has any record of reliability is still the almost metronomic 22 year period of the activity cycle, derived from nothing more sophisticated than counting the visible sunspots. 

This latest research is another example of interesting revelations that climate scientists have been reluctant to accept into their modelling - probably because they simply do not understand it...

“The sun is more surprising than we knew,” said Mehr Un Nisa, a postdoctoral research associate at Michigan State University. “We thought we had this star figured out, but that’s not the case.”

Nisa, who will soon be joining MSU’s faculty, is the corresponding author of a new paper in the journal Physical Review Letters that details the discovery of the highest-energy light ever observed from the sun.

The international team behind the discovery also found that this type of light, known as gamma rays, is surprisingly bright. That is, there’s more of it than scientists had previously anticipated.

Updated 24Apr2023 ...

What drives the solar cycle?

This does! (

Now, ponder for a moment:  the ease with which the hypothesis of climate change based on "carbon" has been established as a religious doctrine, complete with saints sinners and heretics - and the familiar excuses to curtail the use of free speech and open debate. "Carbon" is only a tiny part of the story of climate, but by allowing zealots to dictate the agenda, there is a severe danger that important other factors are being overlooked - or worse.

So at risk of excommunication we remind you that CO2 climate change remains an act of faith, and is not settled science. The observations are contradictory, and the propositon is at very best, a hypothesis. And just as religion refuses to be challenged to produce evidence of its Gods, we are told that we will all go to climate hell if we don't believe in Carbon and anthropogenic climate change. The unchallenged consequences of the zealots and their impositions of Marxist control ideas now include transport restrictions, ULEZ and ideas like 15 minute cities with the impositioons of tranport and paymetn m ethods that gives the state precise infroamtion on the movements and habits of all those with a smartphone.
You might suspect that all is not it seems when those defending their faith have to go to extremes to bully others around to their point of view.  You didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition, but you got it.

Climate has been a another testing ground for politicians and "deep state" researchers to explore how a scared and compliant population can be gaslit, and sold any number of dubious propositions. Pandemic anyone?

We really do need to look behind and deep into the nature of power and influence across politics and the media in the light of the staggering amount  "money" that has been conjured/printed since the 80s by a handful of governments, organisations and individuals. At the same time as traditional asset-backed currency and value has been forgotten. Gold ("Money", as JP Morgan perceptively put it) has appreciated some 95% against £/€/$ (which is "Credit") in 50 years. Credit is a monetray construct that requires - you guessed - an "act of faith" on the part of those using it. The phrase "I promise to pay the bearer XX on demand" is as empty as the bank vault that once held the gold that existed to back that promise.

Amongst the starkest evidence of something going seriously wrong with the way government operates, is that someone as apparently unsuitable and prone to gaffes that belie an alarming level of dysfunction and dementia as Joe Biden is President of the United States. Obviously money is involved, but who is pulling which strings? The vested intersts in a counrty like the United States involve trillions of dollars. There is enough csah involved that the most stalwart and trusted are going to be readily corruptible.

So who funds the eco movement that has indoctrinated the under 30s through our education system and the BBC?  Remember those images of polar bears drowning? Well there's been a polar bear population explosion in recent years, so in some parts of the Arctic you will be in more danger from being mauled by a marauding polar bear, than you are from climate change.

Another question to ask.. "what is the percentage of CO2 in  the atmosphere we are arguing about anyway?" Most people will suggest a figure well over 5%, many think 20%.

The answer is 0.04%, 400 parts per 1,000,000 and it is a vital part of the growth of all things green through the process of photosynthesis. CO2 is even introduced into greenhouses for this purpose. And as we know, the UK contributes just ~1% to the global total, anyway.

We have been gaslit for long enough! It's time for a blast of reality. Have you got the cojones?

Maybe we should be trying to help Gene Beards who runs this YouTube channel "socialize" his campaign to bring attention to a climate change proposition backed by real science. The migration of the magnetic pole - and possibility of a complete polar reversal - is real and measurable. And it has happened before in Earth's history.

The usual deep state CO2 lobbyists are aware of this, as it is undermines their narrative and so they try quite hard to dismiss it; they already know that they can promote the most astonishing pseudo-scientific nonsense and have it swallowed by the gullible. And for the less gullible - contemtplating resisting assimilation - remember what happened to the late Dr David Bellamy when he raised his voice in doubt?  He became victim to a crude Napoleonic cancellation gesture "pour encourager les autres"...

This real science is based on observed solar activity; it might seem obvious to anybody after a brief moment of thought that the biggest influence on climate throughout the whole of the solar system is the big round bright thing called the sun. It's been blasting out energy and particles for billions of years and it's what stripped the atmosphere from Mars to turn it from a potentially habitable planet with oceans, to the present arid desert.

The difference between Mars and Earth is there Mars did not have a magnetic field ("magnetosphere") to help shield it from these particles - but earth has a complex magnetic field structure thanks to its molten iron core.

Magnets have poles ... and in the case of Earth, the magnetic North pole has been used for navigation using compasses for centuries. The magnetic North pole is not the same as the "true" north, and the divergence between true and magnetic North varies over time. The mechanism is fascinating and not too hard for anyone with an inquiring scientific mind to grasp. Have a Google.

"True north is a fixed point on the globe. Magnetic north is quite different. Magnetic north is the direction that a compass needle points to as it aligns with the Earth's magnetic field. What is interesting is that the magnetic North Pole shifts and changes over time in response to changes in the Earth's magnetic core. "

The earth's molten iron core is the basis of the magnetic field that interacts with the sun's influence to create a shield that deflects damaging particles that would otherwise strip the atmosphere in the same way that Mars lost its atmosphere.

This process is most dramatically visible in the form of the aurora (which are centred at the north and south pole) where the magnetic field lines excite gases in the atmosphere to show those spectacular moving colours.

So why does the climate vary over time? The key factors are the variable nature of the orbit of earth around the sun which determines its distance from the sun,  and the activity of the "solar dynamo" that creates a magnetic field in conjunction with the earth's molten iron core, that shields the earth ...or not...

We have known for hundreds of years that there is an 11 year cycle involved in regulating the sun's activity levels - where this activity level is manifested in the number of sun spots visible on the solar disc. This can range from none -  for quite long periods of time - to to as many as 100 at peak solar activity.

We have also known that there have been earth climate events associated with this activity level - notably the little ice age of the middle ages, which occurred during a period of especially low sunspot activity. A "Grand Solar Minimum".

If you have been following so far, well done, but you'll be wondering why so little attention is being given to what is potentially the most influential effect on our climate while attention is focused on a hypothesis that has not been conclusively proven, and that is apparently more religion then science. Although God help anybody who dares to question the narrative, such are the vested interests now involved in trying to maintain carbon hysteria.

Maybe one explanation is that it is not possible for politicians to regulate or tax the sun?

Gene Beards deserves a wider  appreciation of his work, and hopefully somebody at GBN is going to be willing to go the extra mile to understand and work with him. He's not quite Dr Magnus Pike showman material, but with little work... ?

The speed at which the magnetic North pole is traversing is a very simple demonstration of a fundamental process taking place that could have a dramatic effect on climate in our life times. And it can be measured in real time.

There are people in governments who also understand this; which begins to explain some of the curious and contradictory behaviour going on in an effort to create misdirection. But the religious fervour that has been deployed to intimidate the heretics is such that hardly anybody dares question, for fear of being described as a conspiracy nutter. Sadly, Dr David Bellamy it's not around to ask.

The danger of being tagged as conspiracy theorists is obviously a challenge, but once you delve into the subject it's hard to explain the behaviour of governments and those many powerful influencers in the shadows, who seem to lurk just out of media attention while they pull the levers.

Astonishingly, the sun's 11 year activity cycle has only recently been explained by reference to planetary tidal influences acting on the solar dynamo. And this raises a further interesting possibility that maybe astrologers really have some scientific basis for their craft?

The clear and simple evidence that planets interact with the sun is simply that they exist in orbit, and have not spun off into deep space. Newtonian physics rules.

The question of how cosmic rays and magnetic storms can affect physiology as well as atmospheric effects like Jetstreams is it also important, given the obvious effects on animal and bird behaviour. Just as we know homing pigeons can lose their way during solar storms, there is some evidence that migraine sufferers respond to changes in magnetic field.

I realise all this is a lot to digest, but let's make the effort and take the opportunity to explore a possible climate misdirection conspiracy, and what is really going on. (We could start by giving Gene Beards of the "maverickstar reloaded" YouTube channel some media training, and having him explain in a series of interviews just how close we are getting to a full magnetic reversal.)

He may be at little excitable, but he is entitled to be frustrated, having seen the pseudoscience of "carbon" distracting the gullible for the past 10-years.

Don't forget, he has got real time evidence and scientific measurements to back his assertions. Various media encounters have revealed that JSO and  XR climate fanatics don't know about even the crude pseudo science they are using as an excuse to disrupt our lives.

Valentina Zharkova: “in next 30 years, global warming problem will be last thing in our mind”

This April 2023 item in the Daily Star (not a particularly noted scientific journal...) maybe slightly exaggerated, but considering the carbon lobby has been making grossly the exaggerated claims for years now...
Prof Valentina Zharkova is not much liked by the "carbon" climate lobbyists who refuse to believe that their CO2 centric view of climate change has been comprehensively questioned by serious scientists who do not glue themselves to roads; and one of the leading authorities is the Ukrainian-born prof.

Her assertion that the Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling caused the Net Zero and carbon fanatics to squawk, cancel and stick pins in her effigy - but still there is no hard proof that CO2 levels of 0.04% is more influential in climate change than the sun.
Her accent can be a little hard work to decipher, but stick with it if you seek enlightenment.

This post is not about climate change denial, but it seeks to add balance to the CO2 assertions, and explore the underlying reality that there are many more factors than man-made CO2, aka "carbon".
Valentina's website is a mine of heretical information...

So what if the "Carbon" lobby is wrong, and is spreading information (knowingly or otherwise) on behalf of those who stand to gain from a rise in the price of fossil fuels? 

Of course the climate is changing, it has changed for 4 billion years and there is no reason to think that it has stopped changing. But the influences are many and varied, and certainly not entirely down to carbon dioxide, contrary to the popular media bogey.

Carbon dioxide has provided politicians with a handy opportunity to raise taxes and create targets. They can't tax the sun or cosmic rays. But the collateral economic damage is now emerging - fast - and demands a full rethink of the entire narrative, and accept that many have been misled. And refocus on the need to develop renewable energy alternatives to avoid being cornered by despots. 

The fact that Donald Trump made this very point at the UN in 2018, and the German delegation openly laughed at him, is of course another contributory factor to the denial by an awkwardly bigoted "liberal" establishment that seems to rely on creating simplistic symbols as objects of derision and hate, in the traditions of the best Nazi propaganda.

The current financial (lockdown repayment) crisis is due to energy cost inflation coupled to debt arising from pandemic spending. The debt is a done deal and fact, the energy crisis is a dynamic situation that can be adjusted.

If CO2 really was a thing, why is the UK, which is responsible for max 2% of global CO2 forcing itself into penury when China, the US and India are still contributing vastly more ..? It makes no sense.

The only rational conclusion is that we are being gaslit on a monumental scale. "Carbon" based anthropogenic climate change may be a smoke and mirrors hypothesis. It could be a manipulation of ambiguity, it is not proven and conclusive science. And it has been very cleverly used by Russia to corner gullible governments, who have been quick to make money from inventing taxes. The result is financial chaos and rampant inflation.

How do we get those who have bought the story and caused the current crisis to step back, rethink and re-evaluate ...and - crucially - admit they actually have no irrefutable evidence, and that they have been manipulated, groomed and browbeaten into admiring the climate change warriors' fine new clothes? Or face cancellation.

Most climate science is couched in vague speculation... It is almost as if those who find themselves in the spotlight of fervent media speculation are slightly nervous and hedging their bets....

This is from one of the better academic summaries of the popular hypothesis found at...
It is not definitive, but a useful expression of the currently orthodox view.

"CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. 
Scientists say that if CO2 doubles, it could raise the average global temperature of the Earth between two and five degrees Celsius."
 ...and if the moon was made of cheese, it could solve world hunger...

The real issue for years has been one of energy security, namely being dependent on energy from unpredictable despotic regimes. Before the Russian contribution to the crisis, the oil producers of the Middle East have held the soft dangly parts of the Western economy in their grasp ...and occasionally squeezed to create an oil crisis and manipulate prices to maximize their income.

Let us not overlook the other ecology issues arising from refined oil production, especially that of waste  plastics in the oceans. This is not a by-product of energy, it is a simple case of wanton vandalism in the disposal of waste products. Most plastics could be traced to origin.

Meantime, Neil Oliver is well across the issues of elite gaslighting and always manages to impress. If a political party can manage to get his endorsement, his calm and consistent presentations could be pivotal in encouraging the green-washed hordes to accept that they have been fooled in this age of crazed hyperbole, misdirection, intolerance, ignorance and spiteful cancellation.

 The elite that has taken almost all the money is now after everything else as well

And keep an eye on the magnetic pole shift and possible flip, with the redoubtable passion of Gene "Cassandra" Beards who is also healthily sceptical of the gaslighters....

While Gene may seem a little excitable at times, keep in mind he discusses "real measured science", not the febrile speculations of teenagers and a PM's daffy wife who may have been over-impressed by paid Russian influencers...

(A new religious fervour? All religions must be, by definition, conspiracy theories anyway... 

And if you're still wondering, there's a new study suggesting that weather stats are whatever you want them to be.. 

In the last 710 years there has been no net warming in the Central Alps. Modern temperatures suggest a return to the values of the 14th and 15th centuries.  It would appear the temperature trend from the 1980s to 2010 period has been flat.
And finally, let's not lose sight of the overpopulation contribution to our damaged ecology... 200k more (nett) new mouths to feed, cloth and supply with energy, each and every day...

Further reading... 

This is a Work in progress...