Thursday 18 April 2024

Climate and covid misdirection and censorship explored by good guys

Rolling updates - latest 18APRIL24   v0.9
(the spell checker is working at last... )

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This random digest is a brief canter through the story of online opinion and idea manipulation: climate, covid, ELEs, swamp/blob coercion 

First Released Feb 24

Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth

So how on earth were so many notionally sane people taken by Greta Thunberg? As expected, the net zero factions reacted with outrage to this debunk and did their best to discredit this video; but there is still no substantive evidence to support an anthropogenic hypothesis. If you want to do your own background research, then you can worse than start with long-term observer David Siegel - who has put out a challenge to hold the ultimate public debate about the truth of man-made climate change. So why no takers? Climate curious — Shortfall (
Let's not forget the clues that we have been fed misinformation have been around a long time:-
The use of colour to create alarm became quite obvious .... does it require further comment?

And there follows a slab of rarely gathered "perspective" from previously suppressed reporting, in the light of what actually happened as the wheels have come off many "conspiracy" accusations, which can no longer be shut down and denied by mainstream media - misinformers like the unstable Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and the rash of fact-checking censors. You will recall that Maddow is the woman that went "off on one" earnestly assuring the gullible that vaccinated people could not infect others.

Remember, this is always the underlying propaganda challenge:
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain -

The catch-all bogey of "right-wing terrorism" is being wheeled on as a last-ditch throw of the dice to try and hide the gaslighting that has been rampant since 2020 - following the pilot fearmongering projects of drowning polar bears and submerging islands and cities of the Al Gore era of climate alarmism.
(One of the main consequences of that period seems to be that Gore appears to be some $200m richer. Just watch the net worth of those government scientists and advisers who have quietly snuck onto the boards of Big Pharma that made Big Money from the government purchase of their untested vaccines...) 

Now the wheels are just about off the bandwagon, and critical thinking can be applied once again, a number of suppressed warnings are appearing - and few more poignant than Viscount Monkton (Margaret Thatcher's science adviser) interprets the climate change conspiracy as well and concisely as anyone, when warning us back around 2008 what to expect. He seems to have been correct so far. Well worth the 10 mins.

The explanation of Vladimir Putin's intervention in order to sustain Russian interests is also revealing. Do you believe you have been told the whole truth?

Viscount Monkton explains the WEF fraud behind the climate hoax. 
Viscount Monkton 

If you want to inform your view with the experience of a veteran campaigner for climate reality with a proper class on climate basics - then check out David Siegel's masterclass here
They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 19th. They will be 7pm - 8:30pm UK time. 

March 12th: Mars's gravitational pull may be strong enough to stir Earth's oceans
An analysis of deep-sea drill cores suggests that Mars may have enough gravitational influence to shift sediment within Earth's oceans on a 2.4-million-year cycle. 

The gravitational tug of Mars may be strong enough to stir up Earth’s ocean, shifting its sediments as part of a 2.4-million-year climate cycle, researchers claim.

It has long been accepted that wobbles in Earth’s orbit around the sun influence the planet’s climate, with these Milankovitch cycles operating on periods measured in thousands of years. Now, Adriana Dutkiewicz at the University of Sydney and her colleagues say they have found a 2.4-million-year “Grand Cycle”, which they believe is driven by Mars and has had dramatic impacts on currents in Earth’s oceans for at least 40 million years.  New Scientiest reports

Covid corner

And while we are on the debunk rampage, Dr John Campbell
relates the experience of having had covid for the first time recently with a Danish colleague. He reports the experience was worse than a cold, but nowhere near as bad as influenza. Which appears to be a fairly commonly reported situation throughout the world. It begs the question if the early covid treatments and prophylactics were specifically debunked and ignored - in order to accelerate the panic and give the impression that there was no escape so that the vaccine could be forced upon a frightened public..?

Stepping back and watching the psychology of the billions of people who have been misled by the expertly crafted psychological warfare that spread the panic has been "educational" - so how they will react to learning they have been scammed on an unprecedented scale is fascinating. John Campbell's YouTube channel is widely regarded as the most honest and straightforward place to get reliable C19 situation reports.

more rolling updates

"The evidence is now clear and unequivocal - simple Vitamin prophylaxis (getting a bit of sun or taking a supplement) to ensure you weren’t Vitamin D deficient was demonstrably more effective than the vaccines "

Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (

That report is very extensive - so here is a  summary:

"To the best of our knowledge, a strength of our study lies in the fact that it is the first meta-analysis conducted exclusively on studies that considered preventive vitamin D supplementation in people not affected by COVID-19 infection. Prior to our investigation, as reported in the Discussion, only two meta-analyses, which mainly focused on vitamin D supplementation post COVID-19 diagnosis, included subgroup analyses conducted on vitamin D supplementation pre COVID-19 diagnosis. We chose not to include studies in which vitamin D supplementation occurred following the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in order to evaluate the actual impact on the incidence of the disease.
Finally, the results of our meta-analysis seem to support the use of vitamin D, especially in populations with vitamin D deficiencies, in the prevention of COVID-19 infection and in the prevention of related complications."

Which John Campbell and his colleagues have been saying for over a year - but at least the effort to deplatform him seems to have subsided.. John Campbell

And what about those curious blood clots found during autopsies..?

Pfizer in the frame:~
bringing discredit to pharmaceutical industry

John Campbell gets uncharacterically excited by this outrageous scandal in Parliament

So then, how can this level of dishonest gaslighting happen? How can this sort of thing happen on such a scale? Once again refer to the Bezmenov Playbook in which he sets out the basic rules of subversiion. We woz warned and not enough people saw this... Full lecture 90mins ....

The FULL (90 minute) Bezmenov subversion warning from 1985. ..above, and at at  with a Highlights edition at .... 

Highlights 26min  ...


Yuri sets up the Mike Benz explanation nicely with his more recent explanation of "subversion through censorship" - thanks to Musk's willingness to support Tucker Carlson and interviewees like Mike Benz... The rigging of the Biden election is not specifically discussed, but you don't have to read far between the lines of Russiagate and postal votes to find it.

(And this is also posted on twitter at )

18APR24  The worrying case of the WokaMatic Cancelbot

The worrying story of Unherd and the Global Disinformation Index

Content is evaluated by AI trained to be woke. You can work out the  rest...

Ronald Reagan had a moment of poignant insight that was not taken too seriously at the time:

If your reaction to Tucker/Benz is "this can't possibly be true, you're 'avin a giraffe, mate..."  I understand.  It's just too vast and sinister... so then consider if you would have believed that a dysfunctional geriatric could be president of the USA. Obviosuly it was Reagan that Spitting Image would choose to satirise with a running gag about the "President's Brain is Missing". 

The Presidents's Suite of Policies has completely upstaged Hans Christian Andersen and the Emperor's New Clothes. But his reecnt State of the Union address suggests the care team has at last found meds that work; or he has a double... 

Robert F Kennedy's alternative message is more than a little poignant - too bad he is given no chance - so far:

Anyway, this is just a fraction of the links I have collected since the outbreak of insanity that fully overwhelmed western democracy in 2020 - and this blog also contains many entries relating to the effects of solar activity cycle(s) - plus the unforeseen migration of the magnetic North pole with this latest update ...


Gene Hands' last pole shift update showed a further evidence of a complete flip may be under way. It's reached the point where it is unsafe to navigate using a traditional magnetic compass, which cannot now accommodate the offset required. Gene can appear quite exasperated about the absence of attention  and discussion for his pet pole-shift and magnetosphere project from mainstream news. But be grateful that at least someone is passionate about the progress of a possible pole reversal and distortion of the planet's molten iron core.

No magnetosphere means no shield from cosmic rays - or deflection of solar winds. Remember that Mars' atmosphere was stripped by this pocess a long time ago - 4 billion years.

The consequences of a general polar flip are unimaginable - but such things do occur and have happened through history, Politicians cannot influence or tax them - so the present response is one of head in the sand. They have enough else on their plates... but they seem barely able to tie their own shoes, never mind get their heads around entry-level astrophysics.

The best they can do is pay "experts" to deny there is any sort of problem, other than the 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere might be contributing to long term warning via the so-called greenhouse effect. But CO2 is definitely IS responsible for the photosynthesis requierd by all plant life. Now lets recall remember the axiom about experts:

"When I was a kid, fairy tales used to begin with the phrase "once upon a time", now they begin "according to experts". 

If you were a politician given a briefing that suggested extinction level events were on the way - your perspective would change, and priorities will look very different. That $50 trillion deficit suddenly doesn't seem like such a problem, since money will cease to have any consequences if we are focusing on a survival end game. 

So what are the seriously rich are doing about building survival bunkers..? Quite a lot, allegedly..But the AI bots are not bristling with details yet.

Gene Beards, the magnetic pole chaser is in chatty form for this update... pole shifts update from  

... and he's still touting for a £4.50 a month sub! 

Even Joe Rogan noticed:

Suspicious0bserversis in prepper mode...
Pole Shift Accelerating Now - Disaster Cycle is Here!

Magnetic Pole Shift | How Much Time Do We Have?

Pole Shift Accelerating Now - Disaster Cycle is Here!

This is a detailed and alarming review - but the precise timing of the flip is still guesswork, so all that can be done is observation and measurement...  

It's tempting (comforting?) to dismiss the doomsday pole "flippers" as marginally hinged, but what could governments do if they knew it was happening? Tax it? We haven't had a lot of practice dealing with Extinction Level Events; but it could explain why the Conservatives show absolutely no appetite for winning the election.  Let Bollard&Growler take the blame...

Now, look at where you can see the current state of the sun and the peaking activity such as CMEs -  and  for real-time summaries of aurora activity. 

It is all happening as we reach the peak of solar cycle 25. Remember, we are mere spectators, so get those tin hats ready! 

And finally, the total eclipse with a path through the middle of Texas came and went without incident on April  8th. Other than a comet neaar the sun disintegrated.

Meantime, an Australian friend who has built a successful electronics business over 30 years takes an even blunter view..

"In the seventies, the buzzword was global cooling. Many scientific articles were written about this serious threat to the planet, which never "eventuated". 

In the late nineties, the world was equally terrified of the upcoming Y2K bug. Approx $100B were "invested" in the US ($300-$500B worldwide, according to the UN) on all sorts of mitigation remedies to save humanity from complete collapse - except for Russia where they made a wise decision to just ignore the scare and fix any problems as and when necessary (which turned out to be a minuscule number of minuscule problems). Tens of thousands of survival shelters were being frantically built and sold in the US. But the year 2000 came and nothing happened. Suddenly, overnight, the scam was over. 

The habitual fear-mongers and rent-seekers realized that it would be better for business not to have such a fixed use-by date. So they invented global warming, and started selling indulgencies in the form of carbon emission credits, wind turbines and solar panel installations. And electric vehicles, of course; never mind the serious environmental issues with lithium batteries.

But global warming did not come fast enough, so they perfected the name to "global climate change", to widen the net and include all possible temperature variations and permutations, and finely tuned up the parameters of their "hockey-stick" computer model to be catastrophic enough in order to scare the population for a generation - but at the same time not to be as bad as to be immediately recognizable as the dishonest manipulation it is.

Self-perpetuating academic grants and new political platforms mushroomed to support this new, promising scam. With a few useful idiot politicians, attention-seeking self-indulgent celebrities and corrupt scientists thrown into the mix, a "how dare you" child prophet ready to be religiously adulated by gullible masses cowering in fear of the upcoming apocalypse and voilà! - now we have a perfect and durable scam which can be milked forever. Genius!...."

Anyway, assuming the end of the world can be deferred a while longer, what about Crypto?

Surely there must be a reality check coming? It appears to be a pure Ponzi racket and general mecahgeneralnsim for dealing" off the grid" to soften the gullible for CBDC. The fact that crypto is used for trading illegal and illicit goods and services means that the "authorities" are unlikely to be too bothered to help out victims of crypto fraud.

If a "world bank" managed to persuade enough people to believe in the Indain Rope trick of money, and $100bn is transferred from traditional "real assets" to Crypto - what happens if the keeper of the crypto decides to unplug it? Yup, that's right. It buys a few tulip bulbs.

If you really want an alternative to FIAT currency, then look at the "dense value" commodities like gold and silver. Although most hard commodities are likely be solid long-term bets in times of inflation:

Real Time Commodity Futures Prices

But it is not a one-way bet - take care - there are rumours of a period of dramatic deflation triggered by China... 

The solid long-term investments are traditionally in land and property. 

The traditional advice still stands - do not put all your nest eggs in one basket... 

UPDATE on the news of the Gold price rise from the best Youtube finance daily update comes from Mario Inecco @meneco64

The exposure of the US idiocracy: 

Dumber, dumber and dumbest... an illuminating trip along the timeline of how the US has declined - and how it might recover its MoJo by recalling what Made America Great in the first place. It's comprehensive, very good and an hour long; but you really should stick with it.

Asteroid alert!

Maybe this is the ultimate Great Reset?  Friday April 13th 2029 the Apophis asteroid (size of a football field) passes between the geostationary satellite belt and earth. 

Stay tuned... and DONT PANIC!

At last, an objective Electric car sanity check with Harry's Garage...  

Motoring legend Harry Metcalfe offers the best overview of Electric cars you will see in a while. The comments on his video include this priceless quip:

"Harry, I did agree with you 100%, but that has already dropped to 87%..."

Electric car owners are forced to wait in a queue for up to two hours just to charge their cars. Little wonder Tesla and all EV sales are stalled (April 24)

More inconvenient truths undermining "the narrative" can be found at and on Telegram at
Please r
emember that the Telegram messaging platform is for grown-ups only.

Guest interview: 

Peter Hitchens on Times Radio, January 24: "It's 'frustrating' knowing that everyone else is wrong"

(We can all relate to that, eh?) 

AND FINALLY... I can't update this page without acknowledging Scotland's descent into dystopian absurdity. 

And no one does polemic like Paul Watson...  

See y'all again soon...

1 comment:

  1. Twitter or X is where the debates are going on, this comment section will be cleaned out regularly and relevant material reposted on Twitter.
