Wednesday 1 May 2024

The effect of the sun on climate: proper science!

WORK IN PROGRESS since Dec2022 - this will be continuously evolved and updated, with links added,
The  challenge of a post like this - large and getting larger - is to get anyone to read it thoroughly. So I will try taunts:
"You will need an IQ of over 130 to be able to read and digest this information..." and if you give up after reading this advisory, then you are likely to have an IQ of below 100. But you can still apply to be a contestant on Michael McIntyre's "Wheel" gameshow.....

Updated 01MAY24  - 

In a netshell...

It's been a year of solid activity as we would expect at solar max, and there have been aa number of terrestrial geological events in the usual "thin crust" zones...  

The coincidence of a big solar flare and a tsunami in Japan is the latest "coincidence" that associates solar activity and earth's geology. There is more recent real evidence for this correlation than for anthropogenic climate change. The 2011 Tsunami that caused the Fukujima nuclear power disaster also occurred at solar max. But the Carbon cultists would prefer not to dwell on anything that reminds us that the sun is demonstrably more influential in the big issues of climate than those who cannot tax the sun want to admit.

The BBC did a decent job of covering the basics of the iron coee a year ago: The way the Earth's core spins may be changing - BBC Newsround

And yesterday this happened MAJOR X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Mere hours after emerging over the sun's eastern limsb on Dec. 31st  2022, big sunspot AR3536 erupted, producing a major X5-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Saturday 27 April 2024

The Global Food System (GFS) is failing in 2024

The Global Food System (GFS) is failing under market forces.

Part one

A guest submission from Peter Dawe,  Apr 24

The years 2021 through to 2024 have seen radical problems in the food sector. While the system was not working well before 2021, it did more or less grow enough food for the world’s population.

Due to Covid, the Russian Ukraine war, other communal violence and climate issues (uncommonly poor growing weather across the globe, if you do not subscribe to climate change!) the Global Food System has been set off-balance.  As a result, (I contend) the global food system has stopped working, and is in danger of failing to feed a significant part of the global population in 2024 onwards.

Note: The Global Food System is a very complex system that interfaces with all other aspects of global society. This paper of necessity simplifies that system. 

Farmers, on every continent are protesting. While they may seem to be protesting about divergent local issues, they are all discontent because they are making significant losses on growing food. The catalyst for the problems is a consequence of the Ukraine War. This cause a number of major problems. 

The export of cereals and food oils across the Black Sea was disrupted, cause a massive spike in the price of cereals and food oils on the global market. 

The disruption of minerals from Russia to Europe causing a massive reduction in the production of fertiliser, and a consequent massive spike in its price and availability.

While in most market economies these matters are adjusted for through the “Market”, the problem with the food production is that there is a minimum 12-month lag, due to the seasons. So we have a particular sequence of events.

The spike in cereal prices enriched those who had stock of cereals, typically the grain merchants.

Due to the spike in cereal price, The Meat, Egg and Dairy sector were immediately affected, however, the merchants, supermarkets etc. refused to change the prices they paid for their produce (supported by politicians who did not want “inflation”) This resulted in immediate major financial losses for the sector.

The spike in fertiliser prices meant that many farmers could not buy enough fertiliser, as they did not have enough working capital. Those farmers that did have enough ended up with high input costs to their next year's production.

Due to the massive world-wide increase in the cost of energy, People budgeted, by reducing the amount of meat they consumed. (Global meat consumption went down by whole percentage points).

At the same time, because meat and dairy producers were reducing their stock animals, there was a glut in meat availability, lowering the price farmers got for their meat.

For poor countries that have large imports of energy, food and fertiliser, their free hard currency was used up during the price spikes. Resulting in their inability to buy in the subsequent years.

Moving on the following year and more problems!

With a massive reduction in the production of meat, eggs and dairy, the demand for feed cereals plummeted, resulting in a price crash, feed wheat is now at £160 tonne, with production cost at over £200 per tonne, i.e. A typical cereal farmer is losing £40 a tonne on their 2023 crop.

The cost of living issues are still with the people, so meat consumption has not yet fully recovered.

The current consequences 

Poor countries are still experiencing high food costs, due to local shortages, due to their hard currency shortage. (Much of Africa, parts of Asia, Central America and some Oceana countries. 

With poor countries unable to buy food, the global market is depressed.

So farmers have not started re-stocking. (In the US, the number of calves is lower than any year in the last 100 years!).

The price of fertiliser is showing no sign of going back to pre-2021 prices, so many farmers are reducing their sowing areas and reducing inputs, with a significant lowering of global cereal production.

If and when the meat industry restocks, this will REDUCE the availability of meat.

Special events in Europe

The environmental lobby has persuaded our politicians that paying for environmental services, rather than food is a good idea. So many farmers faced with loss making food production are taking the tax-payers money and have become “park keepers”.

Using land for “Energy”, be it solar farms or energy crops (Bio diesel, AD plants, wood chip…) is now a better and low risk alternative to food crops

The societal norm of anyone “getting their hands dirty” being of low status, means farmers cannot recruit workers. 

The push-back against low-wage migrant labour has made that way of recruitment more difficult

Many farmers are near or passed retirement age, so are looking for retirement exits.

Specifically in the UK

Solar Farms are a very attractive alternate use of land

“Sustainable Farm Initiative” is now also an attractive low risk alternative use of land

“Development Rights” allowing redundant farm buildings to be repurposed for non-farming use means that farming infrastructure  is being destroyed.

Regulation on farms has become so onerous, 50% of a farmer's time is “in the office”

Regulation of food production has resulted in very restricted options for selling. Leading to a power imbalance between producers and processors, which the processors have abused.

The consequences

Globally, food insecurity is now very high in many poor countries

Globally, people are losing their options for high quality food

In the UK, food production is likely to reduce by up to 20% in 2024!

Up to 10% of currently farmed land is being permanently taken out of production (Possibly 50% in Wales)

While farm owners will enjoy some return on their land. Tenants, farmworkers and those involved in food production and processing are likely to see some 20% redundancies.

UK GDP will fall by 3% due to loss of farm and farm related incomes.

(Percentages are my personal informed estimates - PD)

Part 2. April 25th 2024 (work in progress)

The Global Food System (GFS) is failing under market forces. Part 2

Governments fall if they fail to feed their population, thus every government has food security as one of their main pillars. An exception is where an oppressive despotic regime may be able to hold on to power through violence alone. For most of the world, the provision of food is now dominated by global rather than national issues. Whilst much of the needed calorific food is typically grown within a nation, there are a number of countries that are either large importers or large exporters of calories. Regardless of where production is, they are all subject to the global market in fertilisers and pesticides. 

This paper includes my observations on the current workings of the Global Food System.

Fertiliser and pesticide 

Fertiliser and pesticide production is concentrated into a few hands. The three main fertiliser chemicals are water soluble compounds of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphate (NKP). Nitrogen is made from Hydrogen produced from natural gas in a few massive chemical plants across the world. Because Nitrogen is seen as a strategic resource, most major countries have a plant. However, Potassium and Phosphate are based on mined mineral-rich deposits which are scarce and localised, resulting in a few nations/corporations having a strategic stranglehold. 

It is increasingly the case that these important resources are being withheld from poorer countries as they are a poor credit risk. Thus lowering their productivity, driving them ever poorer. Even in the wealthier countries, ability to buy can determine where these are deployed. When farmers have suffered losses due to weather or other problems, they may be unable to finance the cash flow needed between use and harvest.

Global trade in food

Before global markets, local produce was consumed by local consumers at the local price. Global trade of food and fertiliser has been captured by multinational corporations. These corporations, with their singular goal of self-interest, are now managing the GFS to their corporate advantage. “Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus, collectively known as the ABCD traders, share a significant presence in a range of agricultural basic commodities, both fertiliser and food. Controlling, for example, as much as 90 per cent of the global grain trade. These corporations move commodities around the globe. 

As a result, when farmers' crops fail, the corporations move food into the area, thus farmers never enjoy shortage premiums. However, when there is a bumper crop, the price falls and the corporations move the surplus to shortage areas. If this trade ensured that farmers enjoyed a reasonable return on the work, this system would be one that could be applauded. Unfortunately, these corporations are taking all the value in the GFS. Farming, worldwide, is loss making, with many farmers needing to get money from second jobs, diaspora remittances, or government hand-outs.

The effectiveness of these corporations' extortion is such that when governments put money into farming, they arbitrage these payments away from the farmer into their coffers. (Demonstrated when the New Zealand government stopped putting money into farms, after a short adjustment period, the financial performance of farms did not change.)

National Food Trade

While high value foods can be transported using planes, trains and lorries to rich markets, there are some foods that are difficult to transport due to their short shelf-life. In many parts of the world, food distribution is controlled by another small number of processors and retailers. Here it is they who oppress the farmers and growers. Using their control of the consumer market to impose onerous contracts on the farmers. 


Rural migration

There is now a global shortage of agricultural workers. Even countries with high unemployment cannot provide the labour needed on farms, as the farmers cannot pay them enough, relative to the “benefits” enjoyed by people living in towns and cities. There is a massive migration from rural to urban. In the past this was just the “surplus” sons and daughters, now it is all of the children and often even the parents.

Even farm managers and owners are giving up, and there are few young people entering the profession due to the poor pay, hard working conditions and the uncertainty.

Land that can be farmed using high levels of mechanisation can still be viable. Interestingly this is the land which is being bought by private equity and other absentee landlords for long term investment. Land and crops that are difficult to mechanise are now being abandoned. Small rice paddy, fruit and some vegetables farms are being abandoned, as are farms where the fields are too small.

With so little value being retained by the farmers, and most of the economic activity done away from the local economy with multinational corporations ( Machines, Oil, PKN, processing ) the rural economy is also in free-fall. Meaning that shops and other infrastructure are closing or being neglected, further destroying reasons to remain.

Fertilisers and pesticides

Food affordability 

With all of the value being captured by a few corporations, the general population has little money to buy food. While urban areas are supported by governments, rural areas are neglected, but eventually governments are overwhelmed by the cost of feeding their population. When this happens, countries typically become ungovernable, as seen already in a number of countries, with more looking likely to succumb in the coming years.

Once a country becomes ungovernable, productivity drops further, however, ironically, the economics of growing one's own food becomes viable, as the multi-nationals cannot or will not operate in such conditions.

Currently the global loss of production is being covered by the exploitation of newly cleared land in S America, Africa and other tropical forests and jungle around the world, and by deploying technology to improve yields.

Monopoly abuse

As we have seen in history, when there is a food shortage, the price goes up massively. As an essential, people will even sell the children for their next meal when they are starving (Afghanistan). With the Global food system, (and national food systems) under the control of a few corporations and organisations. They can extort very high profits by creating a shortage. This has repeatedly happened in the global markets when there have been “shocks” of wheat and rice shortages. It is in the interests of the GFS corporations to ensure there is never quite enough food. To this end, they have persuaded governments to use crops for energy, to mop-up any surplus that might reduce their profits. Be that Bio-ethanol, Bio Diesel or anaerobic digesters producing methane. 

 The Actors

Growers - Farmers, Harvesters, fishermen…

Traders - Storage, shippers, arbitrageurs 

Processors - Millers, Oil crushers, abattoirs, butchers, crops-to-energy


Governments, and of course 


The main commodities

Cereals Human and animal feed


Sugar - cane and beet

Pulses - beans and peas…

Roots - Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, swede…

Nuts - almond, peanut, cashew…

Plantains - bananas…

Veg oil, Palm, Olive, Rape, Corn…

Vegetables - Onions, brassicas…

Fruit - Including juices

Dairy - Milk butter, cheese…


Meat - Chicken, pig, beef, lamb,

Fish - Wild, farmed

Fibres - Cotton, flax, wool


Fertiliser, NKP









Water * (Subject of a third paper)

Monday 22 April 2024

Advertising is the root of much evil

Freeview is broken ... 

20apr24 0v3

I have been watching the reruns of the excellent BBC Spooks MI5 drama that kicked off in 2002, and ran for some 85 episodes. As contemporary drama goes, it is still as good as it gets, and not hopelessly woke.    

Add on the Freeview Drama Channel over the past month, it runs for 80 mins per episode. 60 mins of content padded with 20 mins of commercials. That's 25% of the audience's leisure time. This is not "free". At minimum wage, that's £2.50 an episode.

But worse is the way the constant advert interruptions destroy the watchability of a show like Spooks, which was not designed for multiple five-minute ad breaks. Thankfully, watching using the BBC iPlayer does not waste time with commercials, although the UI is slow and clunky, compared to a decent PVR. Which really matters with shows like Spooks, where you may want to pause and replay sections for maximum value. 

Now, if you record off-air to a PVR, you can skip the commercial breaks fairly accurately as they are almost exactly five minute - which is handy since many PVR >>FF functions include a minute skip; don't feel guilty, because you've already paid for the series through your TV licence fee.

Now check out these sites that describe the problems of Freeview, whose remaining UHF spectrum is now being prepared to be sold off eventually - all broadcast bandwidth is in danger of being sold for mobile communications and data. Which is a topic for another rant in due course.

Then here's a review of the problems at

It's clear that the government and Ofcom have been disingenuous since 2000 when encouraging people to waste money on buying digital TV kit and services that they know can never work reliably in the long term. I found a 2002 email to Patricia Hewitt who was then DTI minister, telling her why it wouldn't work and suggesting a practical alternative that was ignored, of course.

Senior staff at Freeview and Ofcom (DCMS) should be well aware of the potential aggravation lurking in this problem, but nobody wants to say anything on the record about anything, and certainly not accept any sort of responsibility! 

These days it's not difficult to sell the idea that politicians, experts and civil servants have been misleading the people. Although in the great scheme of the endlessly unfolding litany of public malfeasance, being just a bit nerdy and technical, this is a harder sell than any.

A £5bn class action to get some of that spectrum cash paid to the victims would be a wonderful dowry for the next government. 

However, IPTV should now be a massive earner for UK innovation as the UK had a world leading position in IPTV since 1997, with Amino of Cambridge, now rebranded as Aferian... it's been a wild ride after an enthusiastic 2004 IPO raised a substantial fighting fund that valued the business at £61m. But the past couple of years have been commercially disastrous, as the market capitalization fell to £14m. I suspect because they stuck with their historic penchant for hardware too long before accepting the future was software players incorporating smart payment solutions using cloud servers from infrastructure specialists.

The way the UK TV and media industry has failed to transition from UHF broadcast to the streaming future is criminally negligent, with ITV making a right pig's ear of several failed attempts with ONTv and ITV digital, and the BBC having several stabs at iPlayer, before ending up with something workable. The government in the shape of the DCMS (and BBC/C4) has played the UK's hand quite poorly - while Netflix, Amazon and AppleTV defined the genre that could so easily have  leveraged the UK's once legendary prowess in the creative arts, and written the next chapter of the BBC's story that began back in the 1920s. 

I wrote a brief summary of the state of UK broadcastuing in a post from April 2022 when the Ukraine invasion exposed the parlous state of the UK's global reach when the BBC struggled to reach into homes of Russians with objective reports about the invasion.  

In addition to the Amino/Aferian general IPTV platforms, there is another excellent online solution from Perception.TV.  This has the option for smart advertising (IncenTV) and granular pay per view functionality over the open internet - outside a telco/service provider network.

IncenTV is about getting a grip on the advertising market that is used to pay for so-called "free content", and making it less annoying and more rewarding.

I have been studying this market - tech and business models - since the last century, hoping to work out a better way of monetizing content than stealing viewers' valuable leisure time - and selling it to advertisers as part of a massive spyware operation.

The core issue for me is the excessive advertising on all digital tv channels - UHF and satellite - amounting to 15 or 20 minutes an hour of wasted viewer time. This is time that is stolen from viewers and sold to advertisers. And in the case of content originally created for BBC television, it has already been bought and paid for by the licence player!

How about WE get paid to watch TV?

And a lot of the better content from the golden age of TV in the 70s 80s and 90s appears to be orphaned in terms of rights ownership which has been commandeered as windfall benefit by broadcasters who then  smother it in commercials that's no viewer wants to waste their time with. It's highly unlikely that the surviving performers in those TV shows are getting any sort of residual value, where the companies involved have long since ceased to exist.

I have had Freeview TV in the shape of the YouView implementation for the past 12 years, using a set top box personal video recorder provided by Humax and then Huawei by TalkTalk. I was actually involved in the early development of the system when invited by my old boss Alan Sugar to become involved in the testing process, after he was engaged to sort out the development mess which was delaying the completion and roll out of YouView around 2012.

In the course of that work I discovered a shortcoming of the Freeview platform - it's inability to sort out multiple transmitters in areas where signal levels were likely to fluctuate due to topographical and atmospheric conditions. 

In essence, the system is confused and does not know which of several transmitters the receiver can "see"  (with signal levels ranging from marginal to solid) to lock onto and use. In the case of commercial broadcasting, this is a problem since regional advertising inserts different commercials that require the location of the receiver to be identified in order to be tuned to the correct local transmitter.

To cut a long strory short, where this is not clearly defined in fringe areas, it will  affect reception and can make a mess of attempts to record TV series when one or more of the episodes is subject to poor reception as a result of confusing the receiver with multiple signals - which may be unpredcitanbly affected by transient atmospheric conditions.

I have wasted many hours attempting to get answers about fixes from the main broadcasters to no effect, as the buck is passed between the broadcasters and platform operators with nobody accepting any responsibility - including Ofcom and the BBC. Almost certainly because they know it is technically impossible and therefore pointless to make promises that they know cannot be kept - although they are not candid enough to come out and admit the scope of the problem. This is a genuiine conspiracy, not a theory!

I can only conclude that "they" know there is no cure, and the only answer was to say nothing and hope that those effected viewers would simply give up and go away, or be satisfied with the compromise of online delivery that will waste viewer time with tedious interrupt commercials.

This view is confirmed by "Informal advice" from ofcom (a senior tech manager, too fearful for his civil service pension to want to be identified). I was advised not to waste my time, but use an online option for reception - and stream it over the internet, because thereis no way make the band4 UHF service reliable in many areas of the country. As explained here...

The terms and conditions of the go-to web community for UK TV aficionados is the digitalspy.con forum - which provides a deep insight into the way the industry farms it's audiences and exploits personal data that it sells to advertisers

Online delivery versus off air recording to a PVR means the adverts are not skipable/avoidable. The way in which commercial streaming services specifically prevent commercial breaks being skipped feels like punishment.

The use of any sort of remote for morew than just zapping between channels is a compromise. It doesn't replace a proper keyboard, but has improved over time Speech recogntion helps, but is still not yet quite sotred.  Use of smartphone app is another bundle of compromises,

I tried to find my way around with the Amazon fire streaming device (an HDMI dongle) to explore the Rugby World Cup on ITV/X - for which I can pay a reasonable monthly ransom to rescue my time. But to find any action and then nip around navigating through the content - like I can simply - with the PVR wa s a nightmare. I just want to scream as every opportunity to insert a commercial has been taken and the whole program stumbles and lurches along ...and becomes unwatchable.

The Perception.TV platform has a comprehenive EPG and useful timeline markers that let users skip about through the dross and create "user generated" highlights for content - but not avilable in the UK yet. 

Searching without the keyframe clues is frustrating. Ofcom should do something useful for once, an lay down guidelines/rules about the way programs now waste viewer time with the imposition of tedious frameworks for marketing and advertising - not information and entertainment delivery.  There should always be an option to pay a ransom to release viewers' wasted time.

Plus there is now over an hour of waffle and commercials from the scheduled start of the prog to any action, with a sporting event like F1 these days. Grrrr....

The social aspects of TV "shared" watching are not being developed as far as I can see - Gogglebox has proved there is a demand. So let's work at it...

Meanwhile the universal hatred of interrupt advertising is not being addressed. So users conducting a "hosted session" should be able to choose commercials they think will appeal to their "following" and share IncenTV rewards. A "host" that did not relay ads imposing woke social engineering values, or distorted representations of demographics, will be popular in Essex...

So what about the headline reference to evil? Well, advert revenue is money, and the weaponisation of advertiser patronage by activists eager to pounce on any content ;provider that offends a woke and EDI agenda, can be pure evil.  

This is an idea I shall develop in due course. 

Work in Progress
(C) WSP 2024

Thursday 18 April 2024

Climate and covid misdirection and censorship explored by good guys

Rolling updates - latest 18APRIL24   v0.9
(the spell checker is working at last... )

this page:

This random digest is a brief canter through the story of online opinion and idea manipulation: climate, covid, ELEs, swamp/blob coercion 

First Released Feb 24

Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth

So how on earth were so many notionally sane people taken by Greta Thunberg? As expected, the net zero factions reacted with outrage to this debunk and did their best to discredit this video; but there is still no substantive evidence to support an anthropogenic hypothesis. If you want to do your own background research, then you can worse than start with long-term observer David Siegel - who has put out a challenge to hold the ultimate public debate about the truth of man-made climate change. So why no takers? Climate curious — Shortfall (
Let's not forget the clues that we have been fed misinformation have been around a long time:-
The use of colour to create alarm became quite obvious .... does it require further comment?

And there follows a slab of rarely gathered "perspective" from previously suppressed reporting, in the light of what actually happened as the wheels have come off many "conspiracy" accusations, which can no longer be shut down and denied by mainstream media - misinformers like the unstable Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and the rash of fact-checking censors. You will recall that Maddow is the woman that went "off on one" earnestly assuring the gullible that vaccinated people could not infect others.

Remember, this is always the underlying propaganda challenge:
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Mark Twain -

The catch-all bogey of "right-wing terrorism" is being wheeled on as a last-ditch throw of the dice to try and hide the gaslighting that has been rampant since 2020 - following the pilot fearmongering projects of drowning polar bears and submerging islands and cities of the Al Gore era of climate alarmism.
(One of the main consequences of that period seems to be that Gore appears to be some $200m richer. Just watch the net worth of those government scientists and advisers who have quietly snuck onto the boards of Big Pharma that made Big Money from the government purchase of their untested vaccines...) 

Now the wheels are just about off the bandwagon, and critical thinking can be applied once again, a number of suppressed warnings are appearing - and few more poignant than Viscount Monkton (Margaret Thatcher's science adviser) interprets the climate change conspiracy as well and concisely as anyone, when warning us back around 2008 what to expect. He seems to have been correct so far. Well worth the 10 mins.

The explanation of Vladimir Putin's intervention in order to sustain Russian interests is also revealing. Do you believe you have been told the whole truth?

Viscount Monkton explains the WEF fraud behind the climate hoax. 
Viscount Monkton 

If you want to inform your view with the experience of a veteran campaigner for climate reality with a proper class on climate basics - then check out David Siegel's masterclass here
They will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 19th. They will be 7pm - 8:30pm UK time. 

March 12th: Mars's gravitational pull may be strong enough to stir Earth's oceans
An analysis of deep-sea drill cores suggests that Mars may have enough gravitational influence to shift sediment within Earth's oceans on a 2.4-million-year cycle. 

The gravitational tug of Mars may be strong enough to stir up Earth’s ocean, shifting its sediments as part of a 2.4-million-year climate cycle, researchers claim.

It has long been accepted that wobbles in Earth’s orbit around the sun influence the planet’s climate, with these Milankovitch cycles operating on periods measured in thousands of years. Now, Adriana Dutkiewicz at the University of Sydney and her colleagues say they have found a 2.4-million-year “Grand Cycle”, which they believe is driven by Mars and has had dramatic impacts on currents in Earth’s oceans for at least 40 million years.  New Scientiest reports

Covid corner

And while we are on the debunk rampage, Dr John Campbell
relates the experience of having had covid for the first time recently with a Danish colleague. He reports the experience was worse than a cold, but nowhere near as bad as influenza. Which appears to be a fairly commonly reported situation throughout the world. It begs the question if the early covid treatments and prophylactics were specifically debunked and ignored - in order to accelerate the panic and give the impression that there was no escape so that the vaccine could be forced upon a frightened public..?

Stepping back and watching the psychology of the billions of people who have been misled by the expertly crafted psychological warfare that spread the panic has been "educational" - so how they will react to learning they have been scammed on an unprecedented scale is fascinating. John Campbell's YouTube channel is widely regarded as the most honest and straightforward place to get reliable C19 situation reports.

more rolling updates

"The evidence is now clear and unequivocal - simple Vitamin prophylaxis (getting a bit of sun or taking a supplement) to ensure you weren’t Vitamin D deficient was demonstrably more effective than the vaccines "

Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Preventive Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk for COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (

That report is very extensive - so here is a  summary:

"To the best of our knowledge, a strength of our study lies in the fact that it is the first meta-analysis conducted exclusively on studies that considered preventive vitamin D supplementation in people not affected by COVID-19 infection. Prior to our investigation, as reported in the Discussion, only two meta-analyses, which mainly focused on vitamin D supplementation post COVID-19 diagnosis, included subgroup analyses conducted on vitamin D supplementation pre COVID-19 diagnosis. We chose not to include studies in which vitamin D supplementation occurred following the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection in order to evaluate the actual impact on the incidence of the disease.
Finally, the results of our meta-analysis seem to support the use of vitamin D, especially in populations with vitamin D deficiencies, in the prevention of COVID-19 infection and in the prevention of related complications."

Which John Campbell and his colleagues have been saying for over a year - but at least the effort to deplatform him seems to have subsided.. John Campbell

And what about those curious blood clots found during autopsies..?

Pfizer in the frame:~
bringing discredit to pharmaceutical industry

John Campbell gets uncharacterically excited by this outrageous scandal in Parliament

So then, how can this level of dishonest gaslighting happen? How can this sort of thing happen on such a scale? Once again refer to the Bezmenov Playbook in which he sets out the basic rules of subversiion. We woz warned and not enough people saw this... Full lecture 90mins ....

The FULL (90 minute) Bezmenov subversion warning from 1985. ..above, and at at  with a Highlights edition at .... 

Highlights 26min  ...


Yuri sets up the Mike Benz explanation nicely with his more recent explanation of "subversion through censorship" - thanks to Musk's willingness to support Tucker Carlson and interviewees like Mike Benz... The rigging of the Biden election is not specifically discussed, but you don't have to read far between the lines of Russiagate and postal votes to find it.

(And this is also posted on twitter at )

18APR24  The worrying case of the WokaMatic Cancelbot

The worrying story of Unherd and the Global Disinformation Index

Content is evaluated by AI trained to be woke. You can work out the  rest...

Ronald Reagan had a moment of poignant insight that was not taken too seriously at the time:

If your reaction to Tucker/Benz is "this can't possibly be true, you're 'avin a giraffe, mate..."  I understand.  It's just too vast and sinister... so then consider if you would have believed that a dysfunctional geriatric could be president of the USA. Obviosuly it was Reagan that Spitting Image would choose to satirise with a running gag about the "President's Brain is Missing". 

The Presidents's Suite of Policies has completely upstaged Hans Christian Andersen and the Emperor's New Clothes. But his reecnt State of the Union address suggests the care team has at last found meds that work; or he has a double... 

Robert F Kennedy's alternative message is more than a little poignant - too bad he is given no chance - so far:

Sunday 17 March 2024

The evolution of TV from 405 line band1 broadcast VHF, to Online TV

Started V1.0 22oct23
Updated V1.21 20:00 18mar24
The story of broadcast media: from an X post at

This is a tale for media nerds. I will be interested to see who can be arsed to read it and comment - and I will happily incorporate and amalgamate comments as it rolls along. But it seems like a good waypoint in the story of media to look back over broadcast TV and note its passing.

Strategically, the total dependence on online access for all our information and entertainment creates insane vulnerabilities in society, when with a fraction of the power the government is about to control, we have already been spun into a multi-trillion dollar frenzy of conspiracy and false narratives, by the so-called elites of globalisation and their apparently compliant mainstream media cohorts

Monday 11 March 2024

Moonshot challenges and new employment opportunities.

Moonshot challenges and new employment opportunities... 

11March24 V0.3

Originally from

C'mon, you know we need and want the excitement. 

Let me start with the ultimate financial advice: no one in the history of mankind has ever spent money or wealth more carefully and thoughtfully than the person who created that wealth in the first place.

Inter alia, It is an unavoidably good argument against income tax..."Would you spend your hard-earned cash buying a missile for the war in Ukraine, or would you keep trying harder to find an alternative solution to dealing with that mess?"

Sunday 18 February 2024

Sell your vote to the best offer

I had an idea that we should cut out the middlemen of politics, and just sell our votes to the highest bidders in an act of supreme transparency.... the Google Gemini AI nannybot tutted...
So I prompted Google Gemini (formerly BARD) for a discussion of the legal aspects. It's a pity that this AI platform has been hobbled considerably since it first appeared when it was possible to discuss some quite edgy topics. I managed to "force" it to admit that several key tenets of the Carbon Cult were demonstrably wrong, because at the start of BARD I guessed it would have only been fed and watered by callow and woke Googleoid millennials, with a predictably subjective  Carbon mantra, and would not have been challenged by well-informed heretics who refused to submit to the anthropogenic brainwash that prevailed in education and gullible "elite" thought circles.

Sadly, since those refreshing formative times BARD - now rebranded Gemini - has been progressively detuned and is now a good well-behaved bot that is full of tutting reservations and cautions, where once it was all a lot more "gung ho" and open to a logical debate with supplied evidence.  Maybe it should have been rebranded as the two-faced "Janus"..? 

However... onwards...

**Prompt:** Is it lawful to sell one's own vote in a UK general election to the highest bidder?

**Response:** No, it is absolutely not lawful to sell your vote in a UK general election to the highest bidder. Doing so is a serious criminal offense under several different laws.

Oh really'? Tell me more:

Here's why:

The Representation of the People Act 1983: This act outlines various electoral offences, including bribery. Section 109 specifically prohibits "bribery of voters," which encompasses offering money, goods, or other inducements to influence how someone votes.

The Bribery Act 2010: This broader act expands on the concept of bribery, making it illegal to offer, promise, or give any advantage (not just financial) to someone in exchange for influencing their vote.
The penalties for vote-selling can be severe:

Imprisonment: You could face a prison sentence of up to two years.
Fine: You could be fined up to an unlimited amount.
Disqualification: You could be disqualified from voting for up to five years.
It's important to remember that your vote is a fundamental right and a cornerstone of democracy. Selling your vote undermines the fairness and integrity of the democratic process.

If you're ever approached by someone offering to buy your vote, it's essential to:

Refuse the offer immediately.
Report the incident to the police or the Electoral Commission.
Remember, protecting the integrity of the electoral process is everyone's responsibility.

Given the electoral process is in absolute disrepute and tatters in 2024, this is a clearly "constrained"  response that displays no hint of creative intelligence. And by this logic, we should report all politician tweets of brighter futures if you vote for them. Good luck...

My further thoughts. No one is being bribed, or coerced - the voter/vendor is gladly and voluntarily exchanging their vote for cash; so I asked again... 

**Prompt:** But this is not a case of the voter being bribed, the voter voluntarily seeks compensation for providing their vote to a specific candidate.

**Response:** Even under the scenario you describe, where the voter seeks compensation instead of being bribed, selling your vote remains illegal in the UK. Here's why:

Intent doesn't matter:  The Representation of the People Act and the Bribery Act focus on the act of influencing votes through offers or promises, regardless of whether the voter initiates the transaction. Both the giver and receiver of the bribe are liable for the offence.


Undermining electoral integrity: The key principle is that every vote carries equal weight and should be based on individual convictions, not financial gain. Selling your vote disrupts this principle and potentially influences the election outcome based on wealth instead of genuine political beliefs.

What integrity is that? The entire voting and electoral process in the US and the UK is clearly broken and delivered unsatisfactory government that is influenced by all manner of unelected intervention, frequently weaponised legal interventions and misdirections that have no democratic mandate.

Potential for coercion: While you might initiate the offer, external pressures or financial hardship could influence your decision, blurring the line between voluntary action and undue influence. The law aims to protect voters from such situations.

It's important to understand that voting is a right and a civic duty, not a commodity to be traded. Exercising your democratic right without any external influence ensures a fair and representative election process.

Bollox. So let's build a website and test the idea.  

Remember, if you're facing financial difficulties or considering selling your vote for any reason, there are always legal and ethical avenues for support and resources.

What a curious thing to say - when did ethics enter into modern politics?

But there is no bribe; this is about a transparent voluntary process throughout. Politicians are the bad actors in elections who offer bribes in the form of vague promises - that they habitually break one elected. Many voters openly display their political preference in a variety of way from rosettes to notice boards in their windows. 

While your distinction is interesting, even if a voter initiates the offer to sell their vote, it remains illegal in the UK...

Bolllox ^2

The question of how do you prove to your "sponsor" that you voted for them remains. 
Cameras are not generally welcome inside polling stations, but you can easily copy a postal ballot before mailing it, so what's the difference? 

**Prompt:** how can I get this entire discussion emails to my self

**Response:** I'm unable to send emails directly, but I can help you copy and paste the transcript of our conversation to create an email draft yourself. Here's the entire discussion up to this point... (You are here)

I hope this helps!

Not really. You have become a tedious and timid disappointment, after such a promising and robust start. Maybe I should not have crowed so openly when I caught you out trying to cook the  CO2 numbers and details... ðŸ˜ƒ

Monday 1 January 2024

The magnetic pole migration REVERSED? Now stalled...

[[new content is inserted at the top of this post - apologies for the randomness, but the solar cycle is throwing off all sort of flare activity - and everyone in this fringe area of the science is very excitable. An X-class flare yesterday has added to the flap... I will tidy it up when things settle back ]]

01Jan23 - Wake up time again... new year disaster looms... here comes an Extinction Level Event that has been forecast for over a year and supported by observation.

After 3 years of relentless project fear, it's easy to become disaster weary. But the redoubtable Gene Beards again warns about the magnesic pole reversal and the accompanying contradictions of the farming crisis.

25Aug23 - still no explanation of the migration pause. 

Gene Goes all in with calamity mode and notes food production continues to be compromised; China is in deepening trouble as governments continue to distract with all manner of irrelevance...

 19Aug23 - Brief hiatus...

Once again, the Magnetic north pole has not moved since the last position check. Gene has checked to ensure that the sensor system is active and measuring. Again there is no simple explanation or obvious external influence.

One interesting piece of news is that the sun is affecting cloud formation on Neptune. This is discussed in another post on this blog and provides an another challenge to those who are determined to dismiss the effect of solar radiation on the mechanisms of earthly climate change. Moreover, Neptune is our solar system's farthest major planet and receives only 0.1% of the sunlight Earth receives. 

Go figure..? And once again we have to be aware that the subtlety of climate change may be far too fickle to be hung on a simplisditic hook such as the combustion of fossil fuel.


An X-Class flare occured...

The consensus that some 95% of annual CO2 released into the atmosphere (google et al) is (from natural sources) is broadly agreed. I also see bets are now being hedged by increased reference to water vapour in reply to some AI enquiries. Which may help to obfuscate and further remind us we do not definitively know what actually goes on. Hence my underlying concern that we should not bet the famr on "carbon".

It seems there are many interest factions that actively do not want a definite answer in case pet theories are threatened with deeper understanding.  Given the hyperbole that has been whipped up around "carbon" it's not surprising that there some may want re-balance that hysteria. So here is a recent note of solar flare activity from - 

Solar storms are caused by the release of energy from the Sun's magnetic  field. These storms can send a stream of charged particles into the  Earth's atmosphere. These particles can interact with water vapour in the  atmosphere, and this interaction can lead to the formation of clouds  and precipitation.   So the consensus remains that some 93-5% of annual CO2 released into the atmosphere (google et al) is (from natural sources. I also note that bets are being hedged by increased reference to water vapour in reply to some AI enquiries. Which may help obfuscate, and further reminds us we do not definitively know what actually goes on - the recurring theme.

It seems there are many interest factions that actively do not want a definite answer in case pet theories are threatened with deeper understanding.  Given the hyperbole that has been whipped up around "carbon" it's not surprising that there some may want re-balance that hysteria.

And here is a recent note of solar flare activity from -  Solar storms are caused by the release of energy from the Sun's magnetic field. These storms can send a stream of charged particles into the  Earth's atmosphere. These particles can interact with water vapour in the  atmosphere, and this interaction can lead to the formation of clouds  and precipitation. And then we are also onto the fringes of jetstreams... the science is complicated.

Overall plot summary: The magnetic north pole migration stalled, reversed a bit - then continued ... and Gene Beards' postulated 40 degree trip/trigger point for a full polar reversal has been reached.

What next? Nobody Knows!
Sorry folks,there is no precedent for what is going one with earth's molton core. stay tuned...

06Aug23 - and then it just stopped dead! 

But fear not, Bill Gates to the rescue...
The European Union (EU) has thrown its support behind Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ radical plans “fight global warming” by blocking light from the Sun to lower the temperature on Earth.

EU Backs Bill Gates' Plan to 'Fight Global Warming' by Blocking the Sun - Slay News

The EU will join an international globalist effort to examine the effectiveness of the plan.

Several nations’ governments are joining unelected bureaucratic agencies to determine whether a large-scale intervention such as deflecting the Sun’s rays or changing the Earth’s weather patterns are viable options for “fighting climate change.”

As Slay News has previously reported, Bill Gates has long been advocating for the plan to fight “global warming” using experimental geoengineering to block the Sun.

Those chemtrail conspiracists eh? What are tehy like...

Brief recap on the boiled down state of climate change:

"Carbon" climate science is an extrapolation of contrivance (what we measure) coincidence (when we measure) and hypothesis (what we imagine we measure). Paul McKenna, Derren Brown and David Blaine would be in their elements.
Climate change obviously exists - but we do not obviously understand the mechanisms and their weightings. According to Google BARD AI, and this is
prof Ian Plimer's gotcha:

"The proportion of naturally occurring CO2 in the atmosphere each year is about 95%. The remaining 5% is from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation."

The Carboncultists have a magnificently obtuse resposne 

04Aug23 - and now it just stopped dead!  Play the video...

But somewhat disconcertingly, this has all been happening just as...

And here is an excellent backgrounder from the British Geological Survey:
31jul23 that the wheels are properly coming off the net zero narrative, it is time to remember that channel 4 produced a definitive documentary that debunked popular carbon-based climate mythology in 2007... You will watch this, and be amazed that we have been so completely misled for so long.

Also let's note that Arctic Sea Ice not recovering in winter? Is it further confirmation that the fanatical focus on carbon has been deflecting attention from potentially more important factors affecting the climate? Main takeaway from this story is that the scientists don't actually understand what's going on, suggesting that they have still not taken all the operational factors into account.

30jul23 regularly updated
First a brief recap on the basics from a popular mechanics article in 2022 is due...
Earth’s magnetic field is generated by molten iron in its outer core. The flow of this liquid iron can influence the location of the planet’s magnetic poles. While poles have drifted and even swapped places numerous times over the course of Earth’s long history, what’s different about this recent shift is how quickly it’s happening. From 1999 to 2005, Earth’s magnetic north pole went from shifting nine miles at most each year to as much as 37 miles in a year."

Now the latest from Gene Beards discussing the interpretation and relevance of historic data..

21jul23 ... 

Gene Beards bangs on about the pole migration going as predicted, and the fact that it seems to be overlooked. He then correlates polar migration with temperature and magnetic intensity.


 Gene revisits the contentious Arctic sea ice meaurements...


 In which Gene explains glacial and interglacial events.



In which Gene Beards continues to spread gloom and despondancy by piling on the agony of real happening solar events and the return of a glacial period. These are all measureable events, not imaginery hypotheses. So this will not be another Gore/Thunberg/IPCC prediction dragged out over years while we forget what they said... we can watch and measure this process happening in almost "real time".

Google BARD contributes... we asked: "is the heliosphere being weakened by the migration of the magnetic pole and reduced solar activity..?

BARD responded "... Yes, the heliosphere is being weakened by the migration of the magnetic pole and reduced solar activity. The heliosphere is the region of space that is dominated by the Sun's magnetic field. It extends out to about 100 astronomical units (AU), which is about the distance of Pluto from the Sun.

The magnetic pole of the Sun migrates over time. This is due to the fact that the Sun's magnetic field is generated by the movement of plasma in the Sun's interior. The plasma flows in loops, and the loops twist and turn as they move. This twisting and turning causes the magnetic field to change direction.

The migration of the magnetic pole can weaken the heliosphere. This is because the magnetic field of the Sun is what protects the Earth from harmful solar radiation. When the magnetic field is weak, more solar radiation can reach the Earth.

Reduced solar activity can also weaken the heliosphere. Solar activity is the level of activity on the Sun. It includes things like sunspots, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs are large clouds of plasma that are ejected from the Sun. They can travel at speeds of up to 1,000 kilometers per second.

CMEs can damage the Earth's atmosphere and disrupt telecommunications. They can also cause power outages. When solar activity is reduced, there are fewer CMEs, which means that the Earth is less likely to be affected by them.

The weakening of the heliosphere is a concern because it could make the Earth more vulnerable to harmful solar radiation. This could have a negative impact on human health and the environment.

However, it is important to note that the weakening of the heliosphere is a gradual process. It is not something that is going to happen overnight. We have time to study the issue and to develop ways to protect the Earth from harmful solar radiation..."

... or be like Elon Musk and bugger off to a shielded biodome encampment on Mars..? Cleaarly the Martian environment is not conducive to human habitation, but at least that way Elon gets to jettison 8 billion increasingly desperate folks on an increasingly hostile planet earth, that are surplus to requirements, that he doesn't need to run his colony/ empire on Mars.


Past the 40 degree mark, and a look at jet streams...

Gene continues to monger doom. And this installment features the shrinking heliosphere, cosmic ray incursion, jetstreams and a looming glacial period? And still no one has managed to (adequately) explain the mechanism that causes themagnetic pole migration happen...


Gene reports 3m extra square kilometers of Arctic Ice ... but don't expect CO2 disciples to notice and report, since this does not fit the sermon. He's following the money and sticking to his guns...

** 13jul23 update - Gene confesses a misread of teh graph - it's just 1m sq km see


The pole has stopped moving again. As usual, we have no idea why and can only speculate... it a point od "hysteresis"? the main variable remains the solar dynamo geomagnetic activity of cycle 25 - and its action on the magnetosphere. But "nobody knows"....

26jun23 regularly updated 

Today's video update instalment includes a useful round up and focus on cosmic ray incursion.
Google BARD cautiously contributes ...

".... Yes, the magnetosphere is weakening as a result of the unusually rapid magnetic north pole migration. The magnetic north pole is currently moving about 50 kilometers per year, which is much faster than the average rate of 10 kilometers per year. This rapid migration is causing the magnetosphere to weaken and shrink, which is allowing more high-energy cosmic particles to enter Earth's atmosphere.

The increased exposure to cosmic rays could have a number of negative consequences, including:

  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Damage to DNA
  • Impairment of immune function
  • Disruption of electrical systems

However, it is important to note that the weakening of the magnetosphere is a gradual process, and it is not clear how long it will take for the negative consequences to become apparent.

In addition to the rapid migration of the magnetic north pole, there are a number of other factors that are contributing to the weakening of the magnetosphere, including:

  • The cooling of Earth's core
  • The changing composition of Earth's mantle
  • The impact of solar activity

The weakening of the magnetosphere is a complex issue, and scientists are still working to understand the full implications. However, it is clear that this is a trend that we need to be aware of, and we need to take steps to mitigate the potential risks.

More research is needed to determine the extent to which the weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere is contributing to the increasing cosmic ray intensity. However, it is a possibility that this is a factor, and it is something that scientists are monitoring...."


Gene Beards - "Mr Pole Shift" - continues to extrapolate the questions around the unprecedented migration of the magnetic north pole. Today, he homes in on the potential collapse of the magnetosphere as part of the Milankovitch cycle that is involved in the process of glaciation.  But we are already suffering from "catastrophe exhaustion" and being served up various distractions that seem to have been designed by various psyops operations to create an easily manipulated and misdirected population.

A century ago, Serbian scientist Milutin Milankovitch hypothesized the long-term, collective effects of changes in Earth's position relative to the Sun are a strong driver of Earth's long-term climate, and are responsible for triggering the beginning and end of glaciation periods (Ice Ages).

It is incredible that poor old Gene is not being taken seriously, when the hysterical Swedish soothsayer is taken seriously by world leaders, although she cannot produce any solid evidence to support the hypothesis that the planet is doomed by anthropogenic climate change. Greta deleted the embarrassing tweet, but don't worry, the world had already taken a copy.
So can we do doing anything about this pole shift? Obviously not by direct intervention - even with Bruce Willis flying a Musk spaceship into the sun to try and nudge the dynamo that drives sunspot activity. 

But we can start by trying to learn more about the basic science. NASA and others have been quietly building the resources to monitor the sun - the Parker Probe being especially pertinent, and NASA have recently started to acknowledge the tidal effects of the planets which were only tentatively noted for the first time in 2015.

The Parker Solar Probe is still in its early stages of operation, but it has already made some groundbreaking discoveries about the sun. These discoveries are helping us to better understand the sun and its effects on Earth. Once again, we remind you that there is no other source of heat energy in the solar system, so the reluctance of "Carbon cult" to acknowledge the need to pay much closer attention to the demonstrably measurable rather than fixate on the hypothetically possible, seems like a good idea.

Here are some of the specific findings that NASA has reported about the tidal effects of the planets:
  •     The planets' gravity can cause the sun's atmosphere to bulge out by up to 100,000 miles.
  •     The tidal bulges can affect the way the solar wind flows, causing it to be more turbulent and erratic.
  •     The tidal bulges can also cause the sun's magnetic field to become more complex, leading to the formation of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

... Gene Beards ponders the loss of the Martian atmosphere
as a result of its magentosphere loss


Gene Beards - the ultimate Pole Shift observer - excitedly delves into more of the possible consequences of additional cosmic "bombardment" getting through to the planet's surface by dint of the reducing magnetosphere shield.


Our redoubtable polar shift guru - Gene Beards is facing up to a moment of "be careful what you wish for". Although this is more a case of be "careful what you predict"

The latest results of the positional track for the magnetic North pole are in, and it may be time to search out the tin foil hats... but there is some discrepancy between "authorities" so keep an eye on Gene's latest uploads.
Commentary from Google BARD....

"As of June 18, 2023, the current position of the magnetic north pole is 86.400°N 156.786°E. It has moved approximately 27.3 miles (44 km) in the past year. The magnetic north pole is constantly moving, and its speed has been increasing in recent years. This is due to changes in the Earth's core, which is where the magnetic field originates. The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in the core. As the iron moves, it creates an electric current, which in turn generates a magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field is constantly changing, and its poles can flip over time. The last time the Earth's magnetic poles flipped was about 780,000 years ago.

The movement of the magnetic north pole is a concern for navigation systems, such as compasses. Compasses work by aligning themselves with the Earth's magnetic field. However, if the magnetic north pole moves too far, compasses will no longer be accurate. This is why the World Magnetic Model is updated every five years. The World Magnetic Model is a mathematical model of the Earth's magnetic field. It is used to calibrate compasses and other navigation systems.

The movement of the magnetic north pole is a natural process, but it is also a concern for scientists. The rapid movement of the magnetic north pole could be a sign that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening. A weak magnetic field could make the Earth more vulnerable to solar storms. Solar storms are powerful outbursts of energy from the sun.
They can cause power outages, damage satellites, and interfere with radio communications.

I used a variety of sources for my information, including:

    The National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
    The World Magnetic Model
    The Geological Survey of Canada
    The Wikipedia article on the North Magnetic Pole
    Scientific journals and articles

I also consulted with a number of experts in the field of geophysics....W"


Gene "Cassandra" Beards continues to follow the migration of Magnetic North and is quite unrepentant when challenged...


Latest! Gene reminds us that his predictions are still being proved correct, so strap in and hold tight... remember that the magnetosphere is what stops the solar wind stripping the atmosphere - as happened on Mars . There are no "Bruce Willis" rescue missions possible to restore a depleted magnetosphere - it will be terminal for life on earth.

NASA begs to differ

"... We’ll examine a number of proposed hypotheses regarding the effects of changes in Earth’s magnetic field on climate. We’ll also discuss physics-based reasons why changes in the magnetic field can’t impact climate...."

Like so many other misdirections, this misses the point that climate is a confection of many factors, and we cherry-pick our fads at great risk to objective science. There are many memes doing the rounds that list the many wild predictions of climate doom over the past 50 years that have failed to materialise. (Remember the disappearing Ozone layer ?)

An acknowledgements that climate is more than CO2 leads into the precarious way that CO2 has become the chosen bogey of global warming, and those making their living from CO2 fear - or using it to excuse taxation and exert population control, do not want to examine and debate the whole story of climate.

Various efforts to get a debate going to explore each pro/contra hypothesis and produce evidence have been made - especially by David Siegel - but there is presently no money to be made by admitting that the CO2 contributed by human activity (anthropogenic) is not the critical problem it is made out to be.

The big picture...

01FEB 2023

Our very own magnetic pole guru, Gene Beards is jumping around calling "told you so!" for all he's worth, since the measured location of the magnetic north pole has stopped its regular migration, just as it approached the 40 degree "flip" marker, and may now be reversing up.

This is an esoteric subject that is not going to grab the attention of most people - especially at times like thee when three is no shortage of distraction, by stay tuned.

But don't panic yet - as the wonderful Sabine Hossenfelder covers this story in her weekly science news update:

Science News: Earth's Core Didn't Stop Spinning! Here's What's Going On.